Monthly Corner

Good example of a Theory of Change for an aid agency's Gender policy.

Hi all

I have been asked to find an example of "good" Theory of Change that describes how a bilateral aid agency's gender policy is expected to work and have its effects

Good in this context means it is a good description of the agency's gender policy and is reasonably evaluable

If you can suggest any examples that are worth looking at I would be very grateful

regards, rick davies

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Hi Rick,

Response on email from our member Alifya Loharchalwala

Sharing the link to EMpower's TOC:

Thanks Aliya

Such an important question and I too would benefit from responses and resources to this question. Many thanks for raising it Rick.

Great question, and I am also looking forward to these examples!

I am not sure these are 'good', but here are two examples:

WOCAN: (like the simplicity)

WEMAN: (very, very extensive. Wondering if anyone ever reads this...)


(is it a theory of change? not really. but, whatever works)

Best, Dennis

Thanks Dennis

Thanks Dennis!!

Thanks for the responses so far. 

Partly related to this question, I recently wrote a blog about what I thought was a good example of a ToC, but not relating to gender policy. You can see my argument and example here:

I will check this out and share with others:-) 

Thank you! I started following your blog and also feature it in today's newsletter; 

Deborah McSmith, MPH- Gavi has a good gender policy theory of change

Dear Rituu, how are you? Can I kindly ask you to share the gender policy ToC?

Hi Rituu, I tried googling for the Gavi ToC but couldn't find it. Can you please send it if you have it?


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