Addressing Intersectionality in Evaluations: From Buzz Word to Institutionalisation


This presentation of Ranjani K Murthy with Children Believe India in Evaluation Conclave 2022 argues that intersectionality needs to move beyond being a buzz word in evaluations; and be institutionalised in evaluation cycle and closely linked to accountability and planning. Human rights can be upheld and SDGs achieved only then. It distinguishes between the need to examine and address sequential multiple discrimination (which implies that marginalised participants' well being is tracked through their life cycle- beyond project period), all different intersecting identities that could lead to a phenomenon (example violence on dalit women) be explored and recommendations flow, and unique discrimination like transgender in poor households leaving the village be explored by "following" the participant outside the project area. It argues that intersectionality is linked to power, and evaluations with such a perspective has to follow with action with a ecosystem approach bringing multiple duty bearers in. Evaluation is then not an exercise/function to be completed.

  • María Jesús Zevallos

    Thanks for sharing these recommendations, Ranjani. I really appreciate it!