Evaluation in Arabic التقييم بالعربي

This groups is a discussion platform for people interested in evaluation in Arabic

هذه المجموعة مخصصة للناقاشات في مجال التقييم في اللغة العربية

Why gender and perspectives of marginalised voices (Leave no one behind) must be considered in evaluations and in preparation of VNRs aside of SDG5

Have you missed #EvalJordan Webinar “Why gender and perspectives of marginalised voices (Leave no one behind) must be considered in evaluations and in preparation of VNRs aside of SDG5"?

Here is the recording of the session:

#evaluation #glocaleval2020 #evalsdgs ##EvalGender#gender #leave_no_one_behind

Kassem El Saddik Abeer Hakouz Svetlana Negroustoueva Rania Fazah Majd Suleiman