Looking for MEL resources on Relationship building

Dear community,

I am looking for MEL frameworks and tools on relationship building. Please share if you have come across to any useful and user-friendly resource. Thank you! 

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  • Rituu B Nanda

    Hi Elisabetta, are you looking for something specific so that we can reach out to more members? Thanks

  • Elisabetta Micaro

    Hi Ranjani, many thanks for the suggestion and sorry for the very very late response, I didn't realize someone had replied. Would you have a couple of 'must-to-read' resources on bonding, linking and bridging to recommend me? Many thanks in advance!

  • Elisabetta Micaro

    Hi Rituu,

    Many thanks for the suggestion. About your question: my main interest is in finding something that would help me to learn from the monitoring of relationship building work. I have the fundamental (basic?) question of: what makes relationships 'strong' and what type of indicators (and even more broadly what M&E methodologies) would help us understand whether a relationship is strong or not? Is it only on the basis of the frequency of exchanges/joint actions/etc etc? Do these even matter or are they the best indicators to understand whether a relationship is strong? I know context matters so I am not expecting to find the recipe, but I am looking for some ideas, concepts, tools that I can then adapt or take from. Thx