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Webinar: Policy Approaches to Preventing Violence against Women: Introducing a Web-Based Resource from the Health Policy Project

Event Details

Webinar: Policy Approaches to Preventing Violence against Women: Introducing a Web-Based Resource from the Health Policy Project

Time: September 16, 2015 from 9am to 10am
Location: GoToWebinar, panelists located in Washington, DC
Website or Map: https://attendee.gotowebinar.…
Event Type: webinar, at, 9:00, am, eastern, daylight, time, (edt)
Organized By: Bethany O'Connor, Health Policy Project
Latest Activity: Sep 16, 2015

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Event Description

Please register for “Policy Approaches to Preventing Violence against Women: Introducing a Web-Based Resource from the Health Policy Project" on Wednesday, September 16, 2015 from 9:00 AM- 10:00 AM EDT:

Despite a growing evidence base about what works to prevent violence against women (VAW), there exists little consolidated guidance on how to address prevention within the complex structures, processes, and directives that make up the policy landscape.   To respond to this gap, the USAID-funded Health Policy Project (HPP) has developed an interactive, web-based toolkit to assist civil society advocates and government representatives to develop strong advocacy messages and policy approaches for VAW prevention.  During this webinar, HPP will give participants a guided tour of the website and its features, which include:

  • Short summaries of global best practice in VAW prevention (with links to more information).
  • Global, national and subnational examples of prevention-specific policies.
  • Guidance on governance structures, policy language, and multi-sectoral strategies that support violence prevention.
  • Sample advocacy messages and other materials for you to adapt.
  • Guidance on finding data about your country, including existing policies and statistics


AMY SUNSERI is a Gender and Capacity Development Specialist who has served as a Senior Technical Advisor with Plan International on HPP since 2011. Her day-to-day work focuses on strengthening the capacity of government officials, civil society champions, and project partners to undertake advocacy and awareness-raising, to develop gender-responsive approaches, and to increase women's leadership in NGO management and the policy process. Ms. Sunseri has worked extensively in the Asia-Pacific region and was previously based in Vietnam where she led a capacity development program for local Global Fund and PEPFAR grantees.


ANN HENDRIX JENKINS is the Director of Capacity Development on the Health Policy Project and has worked on a range of health issues, including family planning and reproductive health, maternal and child health, and infectious diseases, with a focus on capacity development and knowledge management at all levels. She has worked with civil society and government systems on community engagement, organizational development, and change management.  Ann's interest in advocacy dates back to her work as a Peace Corps volunteer teaching English and art. She promotes clear language, intuitive design, and use of technology where appropriate. She believes in engaging stakeholders through the use of participatory design, experiential learning, games, and data visualization, based on theories of learning and social and behavior change.

BETHANY O'CONNOR is a Program Advisor for the Health Policy Project. She specializes in online communications and capacity development around gender and health policy issues.  Bethany manages the Community of Practice on Scale-up and Gender, Policy and Measurement- an online learning platform which she has grown to over 1,500 members in the first two years.


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Comment by Rituu B Nanda on September 16, 2015 at 8:49

Thanks for sharing Bethany!

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