
Members when posting, commenting, moderating, and sharing on the platform will  support each other through the messages and discussions, appreciate each others contributions, learn from each other and link to other resources whenever possible,

Guidelines and tips


The main page summarizes all new activities and changes on the platform. In one glance, you can see what has changed, who are the news members, the new blog and forum postings.

Who to contact? If you have a question regarding the main page, please contact Rituu B Nanda.


You can invite people to become a member of aidscompetence.ning on the 'invite' page. Please invite those you know, who support the AIDS Competence Process and who share the same belief that communities have the capacity to solve their own issues. When the person has accepted the invitation and filled in his/her profile, the administrators of the platform will approve the new member.

You can also invite people to visit the platform by sending them this link:

My page

Every member of has his own page with a blog, a profile, pictures, videos, music, a comment wall, and friends. This is your space! Feel free to share what you want others to know about you and your experience with SALT.

You can make this page as 'your home', where people visit you. If you click on settings, you can change your profile, the appearance f your page, and privacy.
You can modify all elements of your page by clicking on 'Edit'.

Members can send each other private messages. These messages are private: no other person will know their content, including moderators. You will find your messages in 'inbox' and you can send anyone a message via 'sent' (in 'inbox')

If you click on 'friends', you will see and overview of your friends. Use this 'friends list' to develop your personal distribution list of members you may want to write to once in a while.


On this page, you will see an overview of all members of the platform. You can click on someone's picture to visit his/her page. You can search for someone in the 'search' engine.


On the 'blogs', you will find all blog postings of individual members. You can write on your own blog by
- going to 'My Page' in the blog section
- click on '+Add Blog posting'
- fill in a title, the text and tags


We will use the forum to discuss specific topics that involve a larger group of members. Any member can add a discussion to the forum. But we encourage you to check first if anyone has posted a similar discussion in the past. You can do this with the search engine.


Members can create their own group, to discuss in their own language or come together as a community of practice. Every group will choose its own moderator. We encourage the groups to be public so that any member can learn from the interaction within the group. To become a member of a group, click on '+Join this group' on the page of the group or accept the invitation sent to you be one other member in the 'awaiting approval' section on the right hand-side.

Photos and Videos

Any member can upload photos and videos on aidscompetence.ning. You can add photos via the 'photos' page, on 'my page' or on the 'main page' by clicking on 'add photos'.

When you have uploaded your pictures, you can add a description and tags (including the place, activity or people on the picture) by clicking on 'edit the photo'.

Please make sure you file your pictures in an album.

You can follow the same steps for adding videos. Please upload your videos to so that we do not use up all the server space on aidscompetence.ning. Then, copy the embed code on youtube and use it to post video here.

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