Recommendations on intermediary organizations working directly with grassroots women's groups on CC, Ag, + Empowerment

Dear members,
I’m Dr. Katie Tavenner, a consultant working with the Global Center for Gender Equality (GCfGE).The Center is currently undertaking a scoping exercise to identify and profile intermediary 
organizations directly working with grassroots women’s groups working at the intersection of climate resilience, agricultural development, and gender equality/women’s empowerment.  The geographical scope is South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa.  These organizations would be working regionally or internationally; they would not include government agencies
Given your collective sectoral expertise, I am reaching out to request your suggestions or recommendations on organizations that meet the aforementioned criteria, including any contact information on these intermediaries.
Thank you and kind regards,

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Greetings Dr. Katie Tavenner,

We are enthused to see people and organizations supporting and working for upliftment of women. Also, this is very thoughtful to acknowledge the work that many grass-root level organizations are doing and require support. And we want to leverage this opportunity. I am working with Institute of Social Responsibility and Accountability (ISRA) and we are working directly with many Self Help Groups and women in general on digital and financial Literacy and other Projects. We wish to maximize our impact and reach through this initiative.
Thank you for sharing this! We will be glad to take you through our work and concept in detail.

Will look forward to hearing from you.

My email ID is:

Best Regards,


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