Dear Rituu and ALL, 

I hope this email finds you well in this bad situation. 
I am kindly and humbly requesting you to help me. 
  • I am involved in one of the research where I have to find the "ex-post evaluation" (minimum 2 years) studies i.e. I am looking for case studies where development programmes (Disaster risk reduction) were implemented on field, (anywhere in world)
  • I want to see "what happened" to those projects (those who were implemented 2 years back), how they are performing now? Is the community (or target audience) improvised their situation by themselves (self-sufficiency) if YES, then how and by which means? etc. 
I am looking every where but did not found any. Do you have any "ex-post evaluation" or ex-post studies (preferably with data and I prefer India as I have to talk to them for data collection purpose) with you? If you know then please HELP ME. It is URGENT. 
Thank You very much for your help in advance. 
I hope you will help me. 
Best Regards, 

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Dear Samantha, 

Thank You very much for your inputs and it will be a great learning form you. No problem, I can understand. If it is ok for then, we can talk on Skype (Skype is Jaideep Visave) and +39 3292867271 (WhatsApp). Let me know whenever possible for you. I am free even on weekends. 

Thank You for helping me.

Best Regards, 


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