Sharing new paper: What do participatory approaches have to offer the measurement of empowerment of women and girls


 I’m pleased to share with you a new paper providing insight and guidance on the value of participatory approaches that ground measurement of empowerment in lives and perspectives of women and girls. The paper builds on a recent webinar on measuring empowerment of women and girls for the CGIAR Collaborative Platform for Gender Research.

It  also draws on an earlier  on-line consultation with this Gender and Evaluation Communityand the Pelican Platform for evidence-based Learning and Communications for... a while back. 

A huge thank you to all of you who responded during this consultation. Whilst we were not able to use all the examples provided, your  discussions and input really helped to formulate the guidance.

 For the link to the paper:  please see here:

 For a link to the webinar, see:

 Thank you again to all of you and great that we have such a platform to reach out.


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Comment by Rituu B Nanda on October 22, 2019 at 19:24

Hi Shawna, after your message I tried and it worked. I used google chrome. The sound of the video starts after a while. 

Comment by Shawna Carroll-Wilthien on October 22, 2019 at 19:03

Hi Julie, 

Thank you for posting these resources. I haven't been able to access the webinar. After entering the password the page never loads. Is there any other way to access the recording? 

Thanks in advance. 



Comment by Rituu B Nanda on May 29, 2019 at 11:24

Thanks Julie for sharing this publication. Congratulations!

I am a facilitator of participatory approach in research and evaluation. One aspect I reflect on is the idea of ownership. who 'owns' the process? For eg who is collecting data for whom? 

Would love to hear your views on this.

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