Hiwot Tedla - Blog
Suneha Kandpal Publications
Kennedy OULU - Report on "Most Significant Change"
Started this discussion. Last reply by Rituu B Nanda May 9, 2013. 1 Reply 0 Likes
Hi Rittu I want to welcome the team to our project area at remote place of Sangli district of Maharashtra. AparnaContinue
Aparna Kunte has not received any gifts yet
Posted on February 1, 2013 at 15:29 2 Comments 0 Likes
The Change makers from each school gone through training and workshop for two years before handling the social issues.
We have stimulated the youth by sharing the concept of Gender Equality and the sense of respect .
These kind of trainings conducted for a year within all the schools. Here these young children then come together to know the good or bad…
Posted on January 31, 2013 at 15:35 2 Comments 1 Like
My organisation YPS work on gender equality since last 4 years in the drought prone backward area at Karnataka Border in Sangli dist of Maharshtra.
Some modules are
1. Group of Girls and boys per school as 'Change Makers'.
The group is sensitized and trained to handle the social issues together. Thereby making them aware of using their strengths for noble cause and the reason why the two sexes are together. …
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A very happy birthday
Happy birthday Aparna! Warm wishes
A very happy birthday Aparna! All my best wishes.
Hi Aparna,
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Here is a note on how you can post a blog. http://gendereval.ning.com/profiles/blogs/how-to-post-a-blog
Nice talking to you! You are doing great work.
Beautiful photo Aparna! Thanks for uploading.
Dear Aparna,
A warm welcome!
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