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M & E Strategy/System for Gender Based Violence Program

Started this discussion. Last reply by SHYAMA DANDENIYA Jun 26, 2020. 17 Replies

Respected Members Hope you all are safe. I need your support to please share with me the M & E system for the Gender Base Violence program with me, it would help me to design M & E system for…Continue

Tags: M&E, Violence

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Strengthening use of M&E information and evidence for decision making in Uganda at Online " 25th November 2020 @ 6.30 PM IST "

November 25, 2020 from 6:30pm to 7pm
Join the 12th SLEvA Webinar on "Strengthening use of M&E information and evidence for decision making in Uganda"Date and Time: Wednesday 25th November 2020 @ 6.30 PM IST / 8.00 AM EST …See More
Nov 27, 2020
SHYAMA DANDENIYA replied to Nasir Ali's discussion M & E Strategy/System for Gender Based Violence Program
"If someone arranges future events on M&East or MEAL let me know pls"
Jun 26, 2020
SHYAMA DANDENIYA liked Nasir Ali's discussion M & E Strategy/System for Gender Based Violence Program
Jun 26, 2020
SHYAMA DANDENIYA liked Nasir Ali's discussion M & E Strategy/System for Gender Based Violence Program
Jun 26, 2020
Pawan Dhall replied to Nasir Ali's discussion M & E Strategy/System for Gender Based Violence Program
"Hi Rituu, glad to share my thoughts and experience. First of all, of course, we would have to define awareness and recognition - what these mean in the context of the intervention or the action research. Very broadly, awareness would be information…"
Apr 22, 2020
Rituu B Nanda replied to Nasir Ali's discussion M & E Strategy/System for Gender Based Violence Program
"Hi Pawan, thanks for bringing up these points. I wanted to learn from you. How will you measure for instance - Increased awareness and recognition of IPV among study participants. Greetings!"
Apr 22, 2020
Pawan Dhall replied to Nasir Ali's discussion M & E Strategy/System for Gender Based Violence Program
"Dear Ali I am a queer activist and social researcher based in Kolkata, India. I have been involved in a number of studies focussed on the nature and impact of gender based violence in the context of trans women and men who have sex with men (MSM).…"
Apr 22, 2020
Jeanette Tocol replied to Nasir Ali's discussion M & E Strategy/System for Gender Based Violence Program
"Wow! Thanks for all these resources! I really appreciate the COVID-19 GBV response resources especially. "
Apr 21, 2020
Jeanette Tocol liked Nasir Ali's discussion M & E Strategy/System for Gender Based Violence Program
Apr 21, 2020
Sam Barrett replied to Nasir Ali's discussion M & E Strategy/System for Gender Based Violence Program
"Ali, My name is Sam Barrett from the International Institute for Environment and Development.  I have recently done a review of approaches monitoring and evaluating GBV.  Let me know if you want to discuss. Sam "
Apr 21, 2020
Lori K. Sudderth replied to Nasir Ali's discussion M & E Strategy/System for Gender Based Violence Program
"Dear Ali, I worked with UNIFEM in 2009 to clarify data elements necessary to monitor domestic violence legislation in southeastern Europe: DataCollectionOnVAW.pdf. Kind regards, Lori K. Sudderth"
Apr 21, 2020
Angela Mandie-Filer replied to Nasir Ali's discussion M & E Strategy/System for Gender Based Violence Program
"Dear Ali, You may get more specific/focused suggestions if you share your program's M&E framework. The M&E framework needs to be informed by your program objectives and related activities for each objective of your program. Basically,…"
Apr 21, 2020
Carlos Javier Rodriguez Cuellar replied to Nasir Ali's discussion M & E Strategy/System for Gender Based Violence Program
"Dear Ali: I would recommend you to review, at the same time, some experiences of National Observatories on GBV. In the case of my country (Peru), you can see: (sorry, it is Spanish, but there is a tool for…"
Apr 21, 2020
Rituu B Nanda replied to Nasir Ali's discussion M & E Strategy/System for Gender Based Violence Program
"Here is an email response from Prof Ian Goldman Rituu,   If people are interested there are some evaluations in South Africa on violence against women and children available here. You can also download the improvement…"
Apr 21, 2020
Rituu B Nanda replied to Nasir Ali's discussion M & E Strategy/System for Gender Based Violence Program
"Thanks a lot Helen!"
Apr 21, 2020
Helen Gallagher replied to Nasir Ali's discussion M & E Strategy/System for Gender Based Violence Program
"Hello Nasir The Independent Commission on Aid Impact (ICAI) which is like an ombudsman that looks at the impact of British Government Spending (so DFID and the Foreign Office) recently competed a review of VAWG.  If you look on the ICAI website…"
Apr 21, 2020

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