Rick Davies
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Rick Davies's Discussions

Good example of a Theory of Change for an aid agency's Gender policy.

Started this discussion. Last reply by Aniela Batschari Sep 3, 2021. 12 Replies

Hi allI have been asked to find an example of "good" Theory of Change that describes how a bilateral aid agency's gender policy is expected to work and have its effectsGood in this context means it…Continue

Tags: policy, gender, change, of, theory

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Aniela Batschari replied to Rick Davies's discussion Good example of a Theory of Change for an aid agency's Gender policy.
"Hi Rituu, I tried googling for the Gavi ToC but couldn't find it. Can you please send it if you have it?"
Sep 3, 2021
Patricia Melgar Orozco liked Rick Davies's discussion Good example of a Theory of Change for an aid agency's Gender policy.
Sep 3, 2021
Alejandra Bernardo Andrés replied to Rick Davies's discussion Good example of a Theory of Change for an aid agency's Gender policy.
"Dear Rituu, how are you? Can I kindly ask you to share the gender policy ToS?"
Sep 2, 2021
Dennis P. Bours replied to Rick Davies's discussion Good example of a Theory of Change for an aid agency's Gender policy.
"Thank you! I started following your blog and also feature it in today's newsletter; http://climate.dennisbours.com/ ;"
Sep 1, 2021
Rituu B Nanda replied to Rick Davies's discussion Good example of a Theory of Change for an aid agency's Gender policy.
"I will check this out and share with others:-) "
Sep 1, 2021
Rituu B Nanda replied to Rick Davies's discussion Good example of a Theory of Change for an aid agency's Gender policy.
"Thanks Dennis!!"
Sep 1, 2021
Rituu B Nanda replied to Rick Davies's discussion Good example of a Theory of Change for an aid agency's Gender policy.
"Deborah McSmith, MPH- Gavi has a good gender policy theory of change"
Sep 1, 2021
Rick Davies replied to Rick Davies's discussion Good example of a Theory of Change for an aid agency's Gender policy.
"Thanks for the responses so far.  Partly related to this question, I recently wrote a blog about what I thought was a good example of a ToC, but not relating to gender policy. You can see my argument and example here:…"
Sep 1, 2021
Rick Davies replied to Rick Davies's discussion Good example of a Theory of Change for an aid agency's Gender policy.
"Thanks Dennis"
Sep 1, 2021
Rick Davies replied to Rick Davies's discussion Good example of a Theory of Change for an aid agency's Gender policy.
"Thanks Aliya"
Sep 1, 2021
Dennis P. Bours replied to Rick Davies's discussion Good example of a Theory of Change for an aid agency's Gender policy.
"Great question, and I am also looking forward to these examples! I am not sure these are 'good', but here are two examples: WOCAN: https://www.wocan.org/our-theory-of-change/ (like the…"
Sep 1, 2021
Nirmi Vitarana replied to Rick Davies's discussion Good example of a Theory of Change for an aid agency's Gender policy.
"Such an important question and I too would benefit from responses and resources to this question. Many thanks for raising it Rick."
Sep 1, 2021
Nirmi Vitarana liked Rick Davies's discussion Good example of a Theory of Change for an aid agency's Gender policy.
Sep 1, 2021
Pramod Sharma liked Rick Davies's discussion Good example of a Theory of Change for an aid agency's Gender policy.
Sep 1, 2021
Rituu B Nanda replied to Rick Davies's discussion Good example of a Theory of Change for an aid agency's Gender policy.
"Hi Rick, Response on email from our member Alifya Loharchalwala Sharing the link to EMpower's TOC: http://www.empowerweb.org/what-we-do/theory-of-change"
Aug 25, 2021
Rituu B Nanda liked Rick Davies's discussion Good example of a Theory of Change for an aid agency's Gender policy.
Aug 23, 2021

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governance, livelihoods, poverty, climate change
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At 21:17 on April 6, 2020, Rituu B Nanda said…

Thanks for uploading your profile photo Rick and responding to Michaela. Its great to have you in the community.

At 13:38 on December 28, 2019, Rituu B Nanda said…

Dear Rick,

A warm welcome! 

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