Please find South Africa's first annual evaluation report.
Another useful document from South Africa - Discussion document on PME principles and approaches. This has gone through close to one year consultation and approved by the cabinet of ministers. Excellent example of mainstreamed M&E system. I think this gives useful insights for the countries trying to mainstream evaluation or working on evaluation policies.
Please also see South Africa case study documented by Parliamentarians Forum through NEP expert Katerina Stolyarenko (available in English, Spanish, French and Russian).

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Dear Asela,

Thanks for sharing yet another valuable resource. You are a huge asset to our community.

Warm greetings from Delhi!

Dear Asela,
I have tried to sign up for PFDE (parliamentarians Forum for National EVAL.
unfortunately, registration always failed rejecting all sorts of passwords.
The site does not provide any hints on accepted passwords. Though I have emailed the contact us venue on the site, to describe this experience almost a week ago. I received no response. Could you help by any means? Do you have any clues on what kind of passwords is acceptable to this site? Or the problem is something else?
I appreciate your attention and support.

Nihal Fahmy


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