Hiwot Tedla - Blog
Suneha Kandpal Publications
Kennedy OULU - Report on "Most Significant Change"
Dear All,
With growing health concerns around the COVID-19 outbreak and public health advisory, Social distancing, event cancellations, and employee plans to work remotely is recommended. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/index.html
Several conferences and events stand cancelled. Around the world many offices are shifting to work from home or remote locations, may we collect resources and experiences on organising online meeting and keeping ourselves motivated.
A well known knowledge Management specialist, Nancy White, has collated some resources here. Excellent initiative by her! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NyrEU7n6IUl5rgGiflx_dK8CrdoB2bw...
I invite you to share experiences related:
How to work from home without losing one's productivity and life work balance? F
Active listening workshop online
Here is a recording of a conversation we had about moving our LME work online , which might be of interest to some in this community: https://avina.zoom.us/rec/share/uekuBOzCrz5LAZXQ5FHVdqU4LNvFX6a82nd...
Hi everyone, i am new to this forum. Just thought i share the blog my colleagues wrote on remote facilitation, sharing their experience running workshops with clients as well as an internal L&D module: https://www.itad.com/article/remote-workshop-facilitation-lessons-l...
Hope it is useful.
Resource in English, French and Spanish: “Feminist organizing toolkit: planning virtual meetings!”
Hello all,
I am new to this forum but I am very excited to learn from you all. Thanks for these great resources. I work with SurveyCTO, a mobile data collection platform working with practitioners in international development, education, monitoring and evaluation, impact assessment and evaluation, humanitarian spaces and many others. We did a webinar last month on decentralized data collection, including remote onboarding, training, and accompaniment of enumerators. You can watch it here: https://www.surveycto.com/videos/decentralized-data-collection-webi...
Anyone interested in learning about designing and delivering remote teaching programs is welcome to join our next webinar on Wednesday July 29, 2020 at 1pm UTC / 9am ET. More details here: https://www.surveycto.com/events/webinar-young-1ove-remote-teaching/
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