Join us tomorrow, November 17th for a digital learning workshop on how to maximise gender outcomes when using multiple modalities. We will together go through 15 promising practices that have emerged to do so and hear from CARE, IRC, HIAS, WASDA and UNWomen on what their experiences are. There will be three workshops, to accommodate time zones & languages. Digital learning workshop: November 17th 10 am EST time, register …See More
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Again, we are very happy to have your voice on this platform and look forward to your contributions.
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Dear Nancy,
A warm welcome!
Post a blog or start a discussion about gender, evaluation or share your documents, events, photos and videos.
We hope you will enjoy the opportunity to communicate with colleagues from all over the world. Under the Tab ‘Members’ you can find members who share similar interest.
To know more about Feminist Evaluation, please visit You can follow us on Twitter: feministeval and facebook!/EngenderingPolicyThroughEvaluation?fref=ts
Again, we are very happy to have your voice on this platform and look forward to your contributions.
Let language not be a barrier, feel free to post in any language. If you want support contact rituubnanda[@] or the help page
Warm regards,