Shraddha Chigateri
  • Female
  • New Delhi
  • India
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  • Simran Sawhney
  • Julia Espinosa
  • Ranjan Panda
  • Rituu B Nanda

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Profile Information

Institute of Social Studies Trust
Areas of work like health, education etc
gender, law, human rights
Skills like research, monitoring, evaluation
research, evaluation
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Shraddha Chigateri's Blog

Toolkit for Gender Sensitive Participatory Evaluations - Part I (Overview)

Posted on June 3, 2014 at 17:00 7 Comments

We at the Institute of Social Studies Trust invited Ranjani Murthy, feminist researcher and evaluator, to our workshop to share the participatory evaluaution tools that she uses when she conducts evaluations. While many of these tools are used in participatory research and evaluations, our interest in these tools was to understand how these tools maybe used for gender sensitive and feminist evaluations. We are pleased to share with you the edited videos of the training Ranjani conducted with…


Institute of Social Studies Trust's Call for Proposals on Evaluation Research in India

Posted on May 2, 2013 at 11:00 0 Comments

Engendering Policy through Evaluation, Institute of Social Studies Trust, New Delhi

Supported by IDRC and Ford Foundation

Call for proposals:

Feminist approaches to evaluation seek to unpack the nature of gender and social inequalities and further see evaluation as a political activity, itself part of a change process. There is relatively little literature on feminist evaluation, and our objective is to help build the field by supporting research on Design, Methods, Process,…


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At 18:09 on September 6, 2024, Ahmed Khan said…
I'm Mr. Ahmed Khan, Please I wish to communicate with you. I wait for your response via my private email:(
Mr, Ahmed Khan
At 14:47 on May 16, 2013, Rituu B Nanda said…

Thanks Shraddha for posting the consultancy.

At 21:58 on May 3, 2013, Ranjan Panda said…

hi sradhha, thanks for the info on proposal

At 22:32 on May 2, 2013, Gurpreet Kaur said…

Thanks Shraddha for calling me in:) It was great to come back to ISST, it will be a pleasure to be of help anytime again... Also I was thinking if I could post a video clip about our programme MPhil Development Practice, AUD, here on this forum... It is a programme run in collaboration with a University and a Development sector organisation (Ambedkar University, Delhi and PRADAN)... This way it might help members to think about collaborative work, which we feel is challenging in itself, with two completely different oriented structures to come together and what would it mean to evaluate such collaboration's'... Also it will help us, as more people get to know about this programme..

Let me know...



At 18:41 on January 22, 2013, Rituu B Nanda said…

Dear Shraddha,

A warm welcome! We are glad you are here and look forward to your participation.

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Again, we are very happy to have your voice on this platform and look forward to your contributions.

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