Calling for Submissions: What Works? Integrating gender into government health programmes across Africa, South Asia and Southeast Asia

Dear friends

Greetings from UNU-IIGH/PHFI/UWC.

I am writing to share information regarding an on-going project ‘What works? Integrating gender into government health programmes across Africa, South Asia and Southeast Asia’ and ask for your support in identifying successful cases to include as part of this work.

Recognising the need for better contextualized evidence on how to successfully integrate gender into large scale health programs, United Nations University International Institute on Global Health (UNU-IIGH), Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI), and the School of Public Health at University of Western Cape (UWC) in South Africa, are partnering to identify and analyse 8-10 successful cases of gender integration into government health programmes in either Africa, South Asia or Southeast Asia to understand what worked, where, for whom, why, and how.

To begin identifying potential successful cases, we are inviting organisations and professionals to submit information on government health programmes in Africa, South Asia, or Southeast Asia that have successfully integrated gender. The specifications for the call are also attached and deadline for submission are 15th of May 2022.

Given that our community spans all the three regions, we would be grateful if you could submit information on any relevant health programmes that meet the eligibility criteria. Alternatively, you can send me information of relevant individuals to contact directly.

Please find here the link to the website which gives all the details of the project :What Works Webpage

The direct link for the call is:What Works_Call for Submissions and the email id for queries is

In addition, please can you share this email with your networks.

Thank you so much in advance for your time and input. We are excited about finding new ways of co-creating solutions and this would not be possible without your support.  Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions (

We look forward to keeping in touch as the project progresses.



On behalf of the PHFI team India


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I would like to submit the experience of Kerala in India

That's great Josephine. You could check all information in the What Works Website. Please get in touch with me at so we can take this forward. You could also share your email in this thread here.


Hi Josephine...havent heard from you..please contact me if you plan to submit and need some assistance


Thanks, Dr. Raji for this important initiative. Would like to connect, and contribute too. 

Thank you Rituu for posting this, here.

Best Regards


Hi Tapati

So glad you find it useful. A contribution would be fantastic! Hope you get all information needed at the What Works webpage

What Works Webpage

If not, pls don't hesitate to ask me. Let us keep the discussions on at

Happy to connect with an old time friend this way!



Hi Rajlakshmi: SWATI ( has been working with ASHA WORKERS  to integrate GBV in their work. We have had some very interesting and promising outcomes. Not sure if that qualifies as a case study. Please let me know


Poonam Kathuria

Dear Poonam

Thank you for your interest. Sorry for the delay. I am positive that your work will fit in as long as the Government had some role to play- design, implement, evaluate, fund. 

If you would like to have a chat, please email me at and I can share my number.

Looking forward



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