Dear Rituu and ALL, 

I hope this email finds you well in this bad situation. 
I am kindly and humbly requesting you to help me. 
  • I am involved in one of the research where I have to find the "ex-post evaluation" (minimum 2 years) studies i.e. I am looking for case studies where development programmes (Disaster risk reduction) were implemented on field, (anywhere in world)
  • I want to see "what happened" to those projects (those who were implemented 2 years back), how they are performing now? Is the community (or target audience) improvised their situation by themselves (self-sufficiency) if YES, then how and by which means? etc. 
I am looking every where but did not found any. Do you have any "ex-post evaluation" or ex-post studies (preferably with data and I prefer India as I have to talk to them for data collection purpose) with you? If you know then please HELP ME. It is URGENT. 
Thank You very much for your help in advance. 
I hope you will help me. 
Best Regards, 

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Hello Jaideep,

Go to the European Commission website and you should find plenty of ex-post evaluations; maybe even for India.

Also check out Jindra's website

Hope this helps.





Dear Ian C Davies, 

Thank You very much for your inputs. I am actually working for Jindra and she asked me to work on this topic, for her blog. I will check that as well. Thanks

Hello Jaideep,

I may have some information for you.  I studied 2 different DRM interventions in Malawi last year.  My interest was/is in sustainability of interventions.  My work was qualitative - talking with beneficiaries to hear their opinions - so I don't have quantitative data.  Please let me know if you would like to talk....

Sheila Walters Matsuda

Hi Sheila, I am very interested in your work. How can I learn from you? Thanks

Can we communicate by email or by WhatsApp? 
My WhatsApp is my name at a Malawian phone number +265-992641550
I would love to share what I have learned. 
Or, let me know if this is how we should communicate.

if possible and to save the time and effort of Sheila, I think we both can come have discussion with Sheila, if it is OK for you. 

Dear Sheila,

Thank You very much for your input. YES, this is exactly I am talking about. I think it is a perfect match. quantitative data is also fine with me. I kindly requesting you to give me an appointment over Skype/zoom. I can be reached at Skype - Jaideep Visave. Please let me know when to discuss. your input and suggestion will be very useful for my work. 

Thank you very much.

Hi Jaideep,

This is a very chronic issue in the 'Evaluation' world where the ex-post evaluations are very rare. The very common are End of Project (EoP) evaluations. Almost every evaluations that I have done so far are all EoP evaluations not expost with very few exceptions. The reason I guess is once the project is over there is no budget provision for such ex post evaluations. EU and some of the European donors like NORAD, FINIDA some time do Ex-post thematic evaluations of their support which are not project specific. 

I wonder if any independent academic or research institutions are funded for such kind of Ex post evaluations.  But again there may be very little of this type as open fundings are not available for such evaluations. 


Raghav Raj Regmi


Dear Raj, 

Thank You for your inputs. I am really interested in these topics, I strongly believe - all the aim of the intervention is to make the local NGO/govt. self sufficient so that they can and should not DEPEND upon organization (the one who intervenes). So after running the project for (lets say) 2 years for community anywhere, what community got in hand to carry forward or to sustain their work which was started during intervention. we need to strengthen the local org. 

I clearly understands about the funding for ex-post projects and this itself becomes concepts remained unexplored. 

Thank You for your inputs. 

CARE has conducted several ex-post evaluations, see below. One has been done in Malawi on VSLA replication post-project. Much of CARE's ex-post evaluations have focused on VSLAs. We are in the process of conducting a series of 9 ex-post evaluations across various sectors and context. Feel free to contact me. 5 of those are currently in the field--all have a focus on gender equality and women's economic empowerment. Valuing Voices is a great resource for ex-post studies. USAID also has a great framework for assessing sustainability in the WASH sector, which I find very instrumental in the design and conceptual perspective ( They conceptualize five domains as essential for understanding sustainability ex-post facto (Institutional, Management, Finance, Technical, Environmental).


Caitlin (

Dear Caitlin, 

Thank You very much for your great help with a lot of resources. I am following Valuing Voices. I will take care of this and will inform you. 

I will email you for further request, if any.

Best Regards,

Hi, Sorry for the late response. I was the National Consultant for several ex-post evaluations in Sri Lanka with other international colleagues. Since I cannot share those reports I can share some important lessons if you can call me. These days little busy and that is why write less. Regards Samantha


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