Dear all, 

I think this could be a long shot but I have to try. I am Eva Otero, an independent consultant specialised in evaluations, particularly with a gender focus (some of you already know me). I am now part of a team that is starting an evaluation for UNODC looking at a solid Global Programme against Money laundering proceeds. I am the gender expert. 

Now, as you all know certain subjects seem more impermeable to gender issues than others. This is very much the case with money laundering. I have been looking and asking around but I can find very little on how money laundering proceeds affect differently women and men. I got a few articles on financial inclusion and how strict government measures against money laundering tend to affect women access to financial services. I also saw a couple of mentions to how women are used by mafias to move illicit financial flows, and that is very much what I have found.  

I am writing to see if anyone out there could point me in the right direction. Could you recommend any good report, any bellwether, academic or activist I could talk to, who can shed light on what we cannot miss while evaluating a programme of such theme from a gender perspective?


Thank you very much in advance!



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