EVALSDGs INSIGHT #10: Transforming M&E for Achieving the SDGs

Transforming M&E for Achieving the SDGs

PURPOSE: This EVALSDGs Insight #10 concerns a long-standing issue: gender inequality and the degree to which the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) can assure equality and equity among peoples. Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs) of SDGs implementation in 66 countries indicate that countries must act vigorously to achieve gender equity across all SDGs. This Insight proposes some solutions for strengthening gender responsiveness in evaluations of the SDGs.
Leave No One Behind is one of the core principles of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted by the UN General Assembly in September 2015 aimed at ending poverty, stopping climate change and inequality. This principle calls for inclusive development action in order to reduce poverty and inequality. Gender inequality, like gendered poverty, is at the top of this agenda. Poverty eradication has long been a key desired impact of global development action, but poverty remains an alarming reality in the world where income, material and other inequalities are commonplace and often deeply rooted. Gender inequality is among the most widespread and intransigent forms of inequality, which intersects with other inequalities such as of race, class, disability, caste, ethnicity, age and others. At the groundbreaking 4th World Conference on Women (Beijing 1995), gender mainstreaming was adopted as the principal global strategy for fighting gender inequality.
Gender Responsive Monitoring and Evaluation Gender mainstreaming involves the integration of a gender perspective into all stages of development action including monitoring and evaluation (M&E). Gender (and equity) responsive M&E integrates concepts, notions and ideas from the theory and practice of human rights, empowerment, gender and development to increase the success of development interventions through transforming gender relations.
idea in this approach to development programming is respect for the rights of all humans to dignity whatever their sex, position, race, religion, or any other characteristics in life. Gender responsive monitoring is one way to track that no one is left behind while gender responsive evaluation illuminates the whys and hows, amplifying the structural barriers to sustainable equitable development.
As the contemporary global development compact, the 2030 Agenda and the 17 SDGs need to be implemented, monitored and evaluated with gender mainstreaming as the primary strategy. The preparation, design, and implementation of the 17 SDGs in all countries need to integrate a gender perspective. Of the 17 Goals, Goal #5 is entirely devoted to gender equality, while five other goals are gender sensitive, and eleven goals are either gender sparse or gender blind as shown below in Box 11 2
Box 1 Gender Sensitivity of the SDGs
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Comment by Rituu B Nanda on January 4, 2021 at 13:44

Josie and Catrina please see the attachment here


Comment by Catrina Perch on January 4, 2021 at 13:43

I have the same problem of downloading the document as the reader above.

Comment by Nashwan Ahmed on December 31, 2020 at 20:53
Comment by Rituu B Nanda on December 29, 2020 at 10:56

Josie and Catrina please see the attachment here


Comment by Josie Rowe-Setz on December 22, 2020 at 19:39

Dear colleagues. When I try to download this PDF this is the message I get from MIcrosoft.

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