April 28th is World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2021 with the theme: Anticipate crises, prepare and respond: Invest today in resilient occupational safety and health systems. Under the slogan A…

April 28th is World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2021 with the theme: Anticipate crises, prepare and respond: Invest today in resilient occupational safety and health systems.

Under the slogan Anticipate, prepare and respond: Investing in resilient occupational safety and health systems today, the International Labour Organization launched its dialogue on occupational safety and health in response to emergencies and crises.

The following participants attended it:

Guy Ryder, Director-General, ILO

Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General, WHO Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General, WHO

Owen Tudor, ITUC Deputy Secretary-General

Roberto Suarez Santos, Secretary-General, IOE

Marty Walsh, Secretary of Labor, United States

Gisèle Ranampy, Minister of Labor, Employment, Social Services and Social Law, Madagascar

Vedat Bilgin, Minister of Labour and Social Security, Turkey

Jeannette Galanis, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy, Mine Safety and Health Administration, Department of Labour, United States

Silas Sng, Commissioner for Occupational Safety and Health, Ministry of Manpower, Singapore

Maria Fernanda Campos, Inspector General, Working Conditions Authority, Portugal

Selçuk Yasar, Head of International Collaboration Unit, DGOSH, Turkey

Kris De Meester, Senior Advisor, Belgian Employers' Federation

Maureen Onyia, Head of Occupational Safety and Health, Nigeria Labour Congress, Nigeria

Jerson Razafimanantsoa, Director General of Labour and Social Affairs, Madagascar

Joaquim Nunes, Branch Chief, LABADMIN / OSH

Manal Azzi, Senior OSH Specialist and coordinator of the World Day report and campaign

Closing sentence:

Vera Paquete-Perdigão, Director, GOVERNMENT, ILO


Femi Oke, journalist and co-founder, Moderate the Panel 

See seminar:


At the same time, the entity launched its report on the subject, entitled #Anticipate, Prepare and Respond - Investing in Resilient Workplace Safety and Health Systems Today.

Available in Spanish, English and French



Commemorating this day, the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality launched their ending Sexual harassment in the workplace toolkit. 

ParlAmericas promotes women's political leadership and gender mainstreaming in the agendas and operations of member parliaments. It is committed to creating diverse and inclusive working spaces, encouraging the participation of male allies, and collaborating with women's organizations and social movements towards shared objectives.

Find the toolkit on this link: 


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