The India Gender Report – the first of its kind – is conceived and envisaged in the context of the many gendered rights that are enshrined in the Constitution of India. The endeavour is to examine myriad essential aspects of the gendered economic, extra-economic and non-economic status perceived from the prism of transformative feminist finance in order to demystify the enabler and simultaneously the de-enabler role of the Macro-Patriarchal State. Each of the 26 chapters, which interlink academics, analysis, advocacy and action, indicate four universal processes across all sectors and sub-sectors: the reinforcement of gender de-equalisation; the intensification of patriarchal rigidities; the deepening of economic and extra-economic divides; the increased exclusion of vulnerable and marginalised groups.
Lead Anchor: Ritu Dewan with Swati Raju
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Francois Iradukunda and, M& E Tool - User Guide
A Monitoring and Evaluation Framework on Capacity Strengthening for Gender and Youth-responsive Research - A User Guide
Laura Gagliardone - [EEAP Webinar 13] Summary Notes and Recording - AI and Evaluation of Energy Programs and Policies
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NIITI Consulting - Blog
Impact of Change Through Upskilling: A Pathway to Empowerment, Financial Growth and Personal Fulfilment
Independent Evaluation ADB - Publication
ADB’s Support for Accelerating Progress in Gender Equality
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Missing Youth in Evaluation
Feminist Policy Collective
The India Gender Report – the first of its kind – is conceived and envisaged in the context of the many gendered rights that are enshrined in the Constitution of India. The endeavour is to examine myriad essential aspects of the gendered economic, extra-economic and non-economic status perceived from the prism of transformative feminist finance in order to demystify the enabler and simultaneously the de-enabler role of the Macro-Patriarchal State. Each of the 26 chapters, which interlink academics, analysis, advocacy and action, indicate four universal processes across all sectors and sub-sectors: the reinforcement of gender de-equalisation; the intensification of patriarchal rigidities; the deepening of economic and extra-economic divides; the increased exclusion of vulnerable and marginalised groups.
Lead Anchor: Ritu Dewan with Swati Raju
FGTE: Facilitating Gender Transformative Evaluations - For Senior Professionals
October 3, 2024 at 5pm to January 3, 2025 at 7pm – Google Class Room
0 Comments 1 LikeOnline Course on Gender and Development (GDT) - 2024 Edition
December 4, 2024 at 9am to December 31, 2024 at 5pm –
0 Comments 4 LikesOnline Course on Project Development and Management from a Gender Perspective - 2024 Edition
December 11, 2024 at 9am to January 10, 2025 at 7pm – Online [web-based]
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March 4, 2025 at 6pm to March 6, 2025 at 7pm – Europe
0 Comments 0 LikesMembers
Steven Ariss
Janice Dsouza
Cecilia Deme
Fiona Wilks
Zahid Hussein
Taurai Chako
Emma Sarton
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