Dear all, I am building up a comprehensive database of gender indicators. I will compile both, development-related ones and humanitarian related ones. If you could help me pointing out websites, organizaciones, already existing databases on gender indicators, etc...I would be very grateful.

Thank you all and kind regards,


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Thank you so much! Me too - looking foward to see the compiled database - its growing and growing :D


Thank you so much!! very kind from your side :)

Dear Atria

some work I did on indicators

good luck!



Thank you so much, it looks really useful!

A couple of things to check out

  • Compendium of Gender Equality and HIV Indicators
  • Violence Against Women and Girls Compendium of M&E Indicators
  • Family Planning and Reproductive Health Indicators Database (MEASURE Evaluation, PRH)
  • Resource guide for gender data and statistics (WHO, IGWG/USAID, & MEASURE Evaluation)
  • Guidelines for Gender-Based Analysis of Health Decision Making
  • K4 Health IGWG Gender and Health Toolkit
  • OECD Gender Indicators
  • Indikit has a few good ideas


A few global indices

  • Global Equality Index
  • Global Inequality Index
  • Gender Empowerment Measure (GEM)

Thanks so much Sarah, very comprehensive!

Gender indicators for financial inclusion projects:

Thanks for your initiative!

Thanks to you Joan!

Estimada Atria, te comparto en adjunto un ejercicio que hicimos de indicadores de género para introducri en programas de conservación ambiental. Nos encantaría conocer tu opinión al respecto y cómo podríamos mejorarlos o hacerlos más pertinentes. Espero que te resulte útil.

Saludos cordiales,

Patricia Cabaleiro


Mujeres Líderes en Acción


Gracias mil Patricia! seguro que están fenomenal!


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