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Bintou NIMAGA's Discussions

Experience of being a member of Gender and Evaluation Community

Started this discussion. Last reply by Alpaxee Kashyap Mar 17, 2023. 1 Reply

Hello group!Hope this message finds all of you well!I am Bintou Nimaga Malian, I am living in Bamako. I am Consultant and Eval Gender member since its inception. It is an important group that…Continue

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Sheena Kapoor liked Bintou NIMAGA's discussion Experience of being a member of Gender and Evaluation Community
Mar 17, 2023
Alpaxee Kashyap replied to Bintou NIMAGA's discussion Experience of being a member of Gender and Evaluation Community
"Dear Bintou, Thank you so much for this suggestion. Please feel free to start any discussion on experiences or new tools that you want to know about or share the experience of using any. Looking forward to learn from you. Regards, Alpaxee"
Mar 17, 2023
Teia Rogers liked Bintou NIMAGA's profile
Mar 17, 2023
Bintou NIMAGA posted a discussion

Experience of being a member of Gender and Evaluation Community

Hello group!Hope this message finds all of you well!I am Bintou Nimaga Malian, I am living in Bamako. I am Consultant and Eval Gender member since its inception. It is an important group that stimulates knowledge by sharing information. The group is a useful link for members. Eval Gender facilitated my participation in various meetings on gender and evaluation. This made it possible to strengthen my skills and understanding of various themes on gender in evaluation, despite the language…See More
Feb 8, 2023
Bintou NIMAGA is attending Sheena Kapoor's event

Launch Event-Facilitating Gender Transformative Evaluation 2.0 (2nd Iteration) at IST

September 15, 2022 from 5:30pm to 6:15pm
Dear all,We are pleased to invite you to the 'Launch Event' for FGTE 2.0 (2nd Iteration) on 15th September, 2022 from 5:30 pm to 6:15 pm IST.This launch and course will be a great opportunity for young and emerging evaluators to learn from veterans/experienced resource persons and interact with them.We also request you to share this announcement with young and emerging evaluators who may register and benefit from this course. Please note that ISST is happy to offer this training free of…See More
Sep 12, 2022
Bintou NIMAGA is attending Amol Shaila Suresh's event

Launch: #EachOneTeachOne Campaign for Community-led Evaluation at IST

July 6, 2022 from 6pm to 6:30pm
Dear Colleagues,The Strengthening Community Ownership in Evaluation Theme Group that is part of the Asia Pacific Regional Strategy invites you to join the theme’s latest advocacy drive, the #EachOneTeachOne campaign launching online on 06 July 2022 at 6 pm IST organized by APEA, APC Hub, and #Eval4Action Campaign.‘Each One Teach One' is a call to action to meaningfully engage the community in evaluation, as the community…See More
Jun 17, 2022
Bintou NIMAGA might attend Rituu B Nanda's event

Webinar on Outcome harvesting at CET

June 15, 2022 from 10am to 11am
 Guest Speaker: Dr Awuor Ponge- Vice President- Africa Evaluation Association (AFrEA)Moderators : John Karegwa- Training Director- Strategia NetherlandsBeatrice Obonyo- Academics Manager- Capacity Africa InstituteRegister in advance for this meeting on this link: registering, you will receive a…See More
Jun 14, 2022
Bintou NIMAGA is attending Rituu B Nanda's event

Closing the digital gender gap: lessons from the pandemic at "2 pm BST"

October 27, 2021 from 2pm to 3pm
 Please join the IIED Debates event, "Closing the digital gender gap: lessons from the pandemic", on 27 October from 2-3pm (BST).Technology and the internet can be a great enabler. But while easy and cheap access to digital tools and channels has opened opportunities for some during the pandemic, many people still face barriers and are being left behind. This event will consider how to make a digital world more inclusive and how we can apply gender mainstreaming strategies to digital technology…See More
Oct 27, 2021
Bintou NIMAGA is attending Rituu B Nanda's event

Building Evaluation Ecosystems: The Perspective of Evaluation Associations at "4:30 pm India time"

August 12, 2021 from 4:30pm to 5:30pm
Voluntary Organizations of Professional Evaluators (VOPE) have played a pivotal role in raising public awareness about evaluation and its contributions to good governance, evidence-based decision making, and capacitating civil society. By building evaluation leadership and capacity, advancing the exchange of evaluation theory and practice, and addressing issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the evaluation profession and practices, VOPEs have led the reframing of developmental problems.…See More
Aug 11, 2021
Bintou NIMAGA joined LOYE Alexis Salvador's group

Réseau Francophone de l' Évaluation (RFE)

FrançaisLe Réseau Francophone de l'Évaluation (RFE) regroupe une vingtaine d'associations nationales œuvrant dans le domaine de l'évaluation. Toute association francophone dans le domaine de l'évaluation désirant faire partir du RFE est la bienvenueEnglishThe francophone evaluation network (RFE) comprises of twenty Voluntary Organisation of Professional Evaluators (VOPEs). Any francophone association in the field of the evaluation is welcome to join usSee More
Sep 10, 2020

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At 19:35 on January 23, 2016, Rituu B Nanda said…

Chere Bintou Nimaga,

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