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Kennedy OULU - Report on "Most Significant Change"
Margriet Reinders has not received any gifts yet
Thanks for your response,I am wonder if you can create a link,group discussion on skype under coordination for communication like a forum so that we can make exchange, again the topic is very crutial and discussion could help to get considerable ideas.
Dear Mag thank you for sharing your focus area me too I agree with you there is need of development of topic:Integration of Gender,Water &Climate Change .I am interested on this.
After many many years working on women's empowerement and gender mainstreaming I experienced posivite changes, but especially today with climate change issues we need to strenghten gender mainstreaming in assessments, monitoring and evaluation as gender notions are often too shallow which doens't give sifficient informationfor a complete gender analysis
Dear Margriet,
A warm welcome!
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Again, we are very happy to have your voice on this platform and look forward to your contributions.
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Warm regards,
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