Sana' Elhennawi
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  • Zarqa
  • Jordan
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  • Rituu B Nanda

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Sana' Elhennawi is attending Rituu B Nanda's event

Webinar : Pandemic Call and Response: Queer & Trans Communities at Online "Webinar " Wednesday, May 6th, 2020 at 1pm EST ""

May 6, 2020 from 1pm to 2pm" width="564" class="m_-3606616314364996476mcnImage CToWUd a6T" tabindex="0" /> Join us as this week’s speakers share from their lived and learned experiences of grassroots organizing and practical solutions for equity in the Black Queer & Trans communities during COVID-19.…See More
May 6, 2020

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MEAL. Economics of Education, Institutional Performance Assessment, Management, and Excellence, Humanitarian Development, Governance, NS Statistics, Data collection (KIIs, FGDs, Observation)and data Analysis (Content coding, SPSS)
Skills like research, monitoring, evaluation
Research SPSS, Excel, Modeling, Logic framework, ToC, Result framework, KPIs, Stakeholder Mapping, Contextual analysis, Communication.
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Dr. Sana Elhennawi has eight years of experience in conducting evaluations and impact assessments in development. Her work has been focused on Jordan public services and priorities. She has developed a deep familiarity with the processes and procedures of Jordanian government work, partnerships and NGOs. Dr. Elhennawi’s attention has been primarily focused on quality of research and evaluation based on quality data collection approaches and analyses techniques. In her work with the Millennium Challenge Corporation in Jordan (MCC- Jordan), for example, she was responsible for assessing Data Quality Review of Monitoring and Evaluation System of its Compact Investment and reexamining a $275M programme and supporting practical recommendations to improve the design which is targeted towards impact results and local context.

Dr. Elhennawi has also experience in financial and administrative procedures and processing gaps management development. She has worked in Jordanian government institutions where she has taken on senior leadership roles such as the Deputy Director of Evaluation and Impact Assessment Unit at the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation and the Deputy Head of Economics of Education Division at the Ministry of Education. In these roles, Dr. Elhennawi has been responsible for examining institutional performance and ensuring recommendations are made to support policy leaders. For example, she prepared the criteria for Government Institutional Performance Assessment of the National Goals towards Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation Institutional Objectives for the Prime Ministry.

Dr. Elhennawi is specialized in examining financial governance, the use of funds to optimise programme outcomes in complex systems where several stakeholders are involved across the country.  She assessed, for example, the Wold Bank report of Management Capacity in financial institution Social Development and Educational Sector.  She has also conducted several studies examining the cost of educational management for UNESCO, the World Bank, and USAID.

Dr. Elhennawi is keen to keep updated in practising evaluation knowledge within the evaluation community. She is a member at International Development Evaluation Associations (IDEAS) and Co-founder of Jordan Evaluation Association (EvalJordan) which was established in 2014

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At 11:38 on April 11, 2016, Rituu B Nanda said…

Happy birthday

At 12:02 on April 11, 2015, Rituu B Nanda said…

Happy birthday Sana!

At 8:48 on February 10, 2015, Rituu B Nanda said…

Dear Sana,

A warm welcome!

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