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Suneha Kandpal Publications
Kennedy OULU - Report on "Most Significant Change"
Time: October 2, 2019 from 2pm to 3pm
Location: Online October 2, 2019 2 PM to 3 PM Eastern
Event Type: webinar
Organized By: Dialogue4Health
Latest Activity: Oct 2, 2019
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Designing a System of Prevention
to Advance Health, Safety, and Wellbeing for All
Across the country, a growing number of local health agencies and community organizations are reorienting their work to intentionally advance health equity. In some of these locales, health leaders are partnering with community organizations to build power and momentum for systemic change—fundamental change in policies, processes, relationships, and power structures, as well as transformative shifts in deeply held values and norms—to address structural factors that have produced health inequities. This systems approach to developing comprehensive solutions is not yet the norm. Developing such an approach—one that addresses the interrelationships of multiple factors—may create some of the biggest opportunities to achieve health, safety, and wellbeing, and reduce health inequities.
During this web forum, Prevention Institute will share its System of Prevention framework, which explains how systems shape health and equity and builds on lessons learned from prevention and health equity initiatives that have dramatically increased the length and quality of people’s lives. The event will also feature leaders of HIP-Cuyahoga, a county-wide health improvement partnership of over 100 agencies, community groups, and organizations that are taking a systems approach to advancing health equity and racial justice. The web forum is designed to encourage health practitioners and their partners to think about how they can work together to redesign systems and intentionally produce health, safety, and equity.
Registration is free and closed captioning is available to all attendees. This event is recommended for anyone working in public health, including: local and state health departments, non-profit organizations, advocacy, business, community-based organizations, education, faith-based organizations, hospitals/health systems, insurance, housing, harm reduction, and other interested parties.
RSVP on this link https://publichealthinstitute.webex.com/publichealthinstitute/onstage/g.php?MTID=e1ebc51c1855eae5b4b5a87f84ead23f0
Juliet Sims, RD, MPH, Associate Program Director, Prevention Institute
Greg Brown, MS, Executive Director, PolicyBridge; Co-Chair, HIP-Cuyahoga
Heidi Gullett, MD, MPH, Associate Professor at the Center for Community Health Integration, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine; Medical Director, Cuyahoga County Board of Health; Co-Chair, HIP-Cuyahoga
La’Quana Williams, MPH, Associate Program Manager, Prevention
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