Hiwot Tedla - Blog
Suneha Kandpal Publications
Kennedy OULU - Report on "Most Significant Change"
Time: April 24, 2020 from 10:30am to 12pm
Location: Online 24th April 10:3o -12:00 UTC"
Event Type: webinar, 24th april 10:3o -12:00 utc
Organized By: AU ECOSOCC and African Development Bank Civil Society & Community Engagement Division
Latest Activity: Apr 24, 2020
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Since the outbreak of coronavirus in Africa, AU ECOSOCC and African Development Bank Civil Society and Community Engagement Division have initiated a series of webinars to raise awareness, sensitize and empower African citizens and CSO organizations on adequate responses to the challenge within this time.
In the next instalment of this awareness-raising series on the #COVID19, the session will discuss Gender Integration in Africa's COVID19 Response and highlight innovative approaches, policies and organizational adjustments that are required in the response of governments and decision-makers at the forefront of the fight against the spread of the coronavirus.
Register at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf6uEzx9VoM1l036mAnsWvhze8oW4VTfDXlClfXyrefE98p0A/viewform
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Thanks Nanda,
Have a good week end
Hi All,
I received the link from the organisers and had shared the link to the webinar through a message to the community. In case I receive the recording will share. Thanks
Its a shame because the webinar is over. can we have access to the recording?
Unfortunately I have not been able to access the webinar either
Unfortunately I have not been able to access the webinar either.
Dear Raquel and Idrissa, I too have not received the link from the organisers. Have written to them. Sorry for this inconvenience.
Same request as Raquel
I just subscribed using Google Forms. How can I access the link to the webinar?
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