Monthly Corner

Keri Culver Blog - January 2025

It is about evaluation in the field, and while gender will be an important part of the content, it is not explicitly or totally dedicated to gender in evaluation topics.

New Monitoring and Evaluation website

We are currently publishing a series on Post-Distribution Monitoring, with more MEAL-related topics and articles to come. We also welcome suggestions for future content.

Urban Management Centre Publication

This guide aims to enhance livelihoods and create a supportive environment for street vendors in India. It also highlights the specific needs of women street vendors and how cities can adopt a gender-responsive approach to planning.

CGIAR Blog  -  January 2025

Kore Global Blogs

Challenges to integrate gender equality into evaluation / Défis pour intégrer l'égalité des genres en évaluation / Retos para integrar la igualdad de género en evaluación

Dear participants of the Gender and Evaluation community,

I am writing on behalf of the UNDP International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth, manager of the National Evaluation Capacities UN Teamworks space, to invite you to join our community and our e-discussion on “How to incorporate gender perspectives in the Monitoring and Evalua...”.

The NEC Community space intends to discuss and present how national governments and partners are cooperating to implement the 18 NEC commitments, agreed on by the NEC conference participants in the lead up to 2015, the International Year of Evaluation (EvalYear)

Our current debate will be based on the paper “Four steps to more gender-responsive evaluations”, written by Marco Segone, from the UN Women Independent Evaluation Office. The proposed question to our discussion is: what do you think are the main challenges to integrate gender equality approaches into evaluation?

In our community, you are invited to write in the language you wish, since we have a translator at the top right corner of the page to help everyone understand what is being discussed.

The discussion will close soon, on the 23rd of December, so we are looking forward to receiving your comments in the NEC Teamworks space!

Best regards,

Paola De Orte

Comment intégrer les perspectives de genre dans les systèmes de suivi-évaluation nationale et

Chers participants,

Bienvenue à notre e-discussions sur "Comment intégrer les perspectives de genre dans le suivi national et systèmes d'évaluation". La discussion est lié à NEC 18 Engagement et se terminera le 23 Décembre.

Notre débat sera basé sur le papier "Quatre étapes pour plus sensibles au genre", écrit par Marco Segone, dud'ONU FemmesNos modérateurs seront heureux Florencia Tateossian, du Bureau de l'évaluation indépendante de l'ONU FemmesEt Josephilda Nhlapo-Hlope, de la planification, du suivi et de l'évaluation de la présidence de l'Af...Ils nous aideront à répondre à la question suivante, Qui sera la base de notre débat:

  • Que pensez-vous sont les principaux défis pour intégrer l'égalité des sexes approches dans l'évaluation?

Merci à tous pour partager vos pensées avec nous.

Nous sommes impatients de recevoir envoyer vos contributions!

Cómo incorporar la perspectiva de género en el nacional de monitoreo y sistemas de evaluación

Estimados participantes,

Bienvenido a nuestros e-debates sobre "cómo incorporar la perspectiva de género en la vigilancia nacional y sistemas de evaluación". La discusión está vinculada a NEC 18 Compromiso y se cerrará el 23 de diciembre.

Nuestro debate se basa en el papel de "Cuatro pasos para máscon perspectiva de género", escrito por Marco Segone, de la de ONU MujeresNuestros moderadores serán felices Florencia Tateossian, de la Oficina de Evaluación Independiente de la ONU Mujeres, Y Josephilda Nhlapo-Hlope, del Departamento de Planificación, Seguimiento y Evaluación de la Presi...Ellos nos ayudará a responder a la pregunta que sigue, qui será la base de nuestro debate:

  • ¿Qué cree usted que son los principales desafíos para integrar la igualdad de género enfoques en la evaluación?

Gracias por compartir sus pensamientos con nosotros todos ustedes.

Estamos mirando adelante a recibir enviar sus contribuciones!

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Considering the 4 steps mentioned by Marco Segone, I would like to add a fifth one; "systems and culture for Learning" both by involved implemting institutions and organisations as at final beneficiary level.

I just finished a program evaluation on MDG-3 goal "Increase Women Political Leadership" and observed that systems are in place but very little is done to learn from challenges and successes on a daily basis. People are busy with systems, procedures and rules and very little with the learning and make change happen at level of norms, values and culture at both individuals as at group/company/community level; the latter being the building stones for change successes in the past to sustain in the future. 

Another striking element is that when equality is the core value to be evaluated; evidence based evaluation needs to be processed on the basis of diversity of social groups among men and women, in their role as change makers and in their role as change users; however this requires high professionalism in use of research technology not being simple use of # and % only, but adding research skills in evidence based social research technology. For this to happen leadership need to be passionated by evaluation as a core activity to ensure reflective decision making and improved investments choices towards sustainable development results for all.

challenges -

1) lack of political will

2) appropriate program planning , monitoring and evaluation methods.

3) Social/community - high   tolerance or acceptance  for injustice, discrimination , inequality 

4) Ground implementation of  laws very weak and time consuming 

A few of the challenges :

1) Is equity focused gender responsive evaluation different from feminist evaluation? If yes, what are the differences? If not, why two different names?

2) Should the equity focused gender responsive evaluations only be practiced by a small group of practitioners or should it be practiced by a larger community of evaluators?

3) How the values of the equity focused gender responsive evaluations could be communicated to the policy makers or the agencies those commission/undertake evaluations?

4) Where one can find resources on equity focused gender responsive evaluations?

One more challenge I have found is that literature on feminist evaluation is very technical and academic. Understanding it and translating it into practice is not easy. Then, gender and equity focused evaluation is seen as a different kind of evaluation done by experts. Before I understood better I did not realise that it is just a lens and we can use any methodology in evaluation appropriate to evaluation objectives. 

Response from Ranjani Murthy find it at this link:

Comment by Julaine Allan 

Rituu, thank you very much for this summary. It is very useful in describing the challenges of gender evaluation. I think there is a difference between equity and equality and the terms are not interchangeable. It could be helpful to decide which term is preferred and how this shapes goals for programs and for evaluations.


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