Francois Iradukunda and, M& E Tool - User Guide
Laura Gagliardone - [EEAP Webinar 13] Summary Notes and Recording - AI and Evaluation of Energy Programs and Policies
DN News Liberia Article, By - Sir-George S Tengbeh
NIITI Consulting - Blog
Independent Evaluation ADB - Publication
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Feminist Policy Collective
The India Gender Report – the first of its kind – is conceived and envisaged in the context of the many gendered rights that are enshrined in the Constitution of India. The endeavour is to examine myriad essential aspects of the gendered economic, extra-economic and non-economic status perceived from the prism of transformative feminist finance in order to demystify the enabler and simultaneously the de-enabler role of the Macro-Patriarchal State. Each of the 26 chapters, which interlink academics, analysis, advocacy and action, indicate four universal processes across all sectors and sub-sectors: the reinforcement of gender de-equalisation; the intensification of patriarchal rigidities; the deepening of economic and extra-economic divides; the increased exclusion of vulnerable and marginalised groups.
Lead Anchor: Ritu Dewan with Swati Raju
The purpose of the consultations (18th Jan-18th Feb 2016)
Following the approval of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by the UN General Assembly and by the international development community in 2015, EvalPartners (including EvalGender+) and United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG)’s members have begun to form working groups to strengthen monitoring and evaluation systems to assess these different goals. The purpose of the present consultations, organized by EvalGender+, UNEG and the Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) of UN Women, is to provide guidance to strengthen M&E systems to assess all SDGs with an equity-focused and gender-responsive lens, in addition to Goal 5 (Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls) and Goal 10 (Reduce inequality within and among countries). The above mentioned agencies and network, in collaboration with other strategic stakeholders, are planning to prepare a guidance note that will assist both actors directly involved in social equity and gender equality, as well as all actors involved with the evaluation of the SDGs, in ensuring that social equity and gender equality are adequately addressed in all of the SDG evaluations. It is intended to produce a first version of this Guidance note by June 2016. The SDG strategy is to work through, and to help strengthen existing M&E systems at the national and local levels and consequently the focus of the present consultations is on indicators and approaches that can be implemented through existing M&E structures – many of which may have limited experience and resources to address social equity and gender equality issues.
In addition to their importance as stand-alone sustainable development goals, both of these are cross-cutting themes that must be integrated into the assessment of all of the other goals. For example, the achievement of Goal 2 (end hunger), Goal 3 (ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages), Goal 7 (ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable modern energy) and Goal 13 (take urgent action to combat climate change) – to mention only four, all have important gender dimensions that affect the achievement of these goals. Similarly, there are social equity dimensions to all goals. To read more on SDGs visit the link "Transforming our world: The 2030 agenda for sustainable development.
The consultations identify four important themes that must be addressed in the M&E systems to assess SDGs with an equity-focused and gender-equality lens, in addition to goals 5 and 10:
Each of these themes has different implications in different countries, regions, sectors and according to the type of organization. Consequently we invite you to share your experiences and perspectives to assist the EvalGender+, UNEG, UN Women IEO teams in ensuring that the Guidance Note will reflect the diversity of experiences and perspectives in different countries, regions and types of organization.
Theme 1: The relevance of “new metrics” (measurement tools and indicators) for the evaluation of SDGs from an equity-focused and gender-responsive perspective.
In recent years a number of “new metrics” have evolved which can potentially widen the range of indicators and measures available for the monitoring and evaluation of development results from equity and gender responsive perspectives. These include:
Participants are invited to share their thoughts and experiences on the following questions (as well as others they propose)as they relate to equity-focused and gender responsive evaluation.
Theme 2: Evaluation and complexity – Dealing with the increasing complexity of development and interconnectedness of SDGs to ensure “no one is left behind”
As SDGs are interconnected, national policies and programme to implement them will be complex. As programs grow in size and scope, the number of partners and stakeholders and in terms of the kinds of social and behavioral changes they seek to produce, they become more complex – both in terms of how they are designed and implemented, but also in terms of how they must be evaluated. Complexity is defined in terms of: (a) the nature of the programme, (b) the number of partners and stakeholders and the patterns of interaction among them (including the level of consensus or disagreement among them on the goals of the programs), (c) the number of external (contextual) factors that influence how the programme is implemented and its outcomes and (d) the complexity of the causal chains through which outcomes are to be achieved. A number of additional factors are particularly important for the evaluation of social equity and gender equality, including: (i) social and cultural constraints and pressures, (ii) the power relationships and social definition of gender relations and social equity, (iii) multiple influences on processes of behavioral change, (iv) the role of social media, and (v) the long, non-linear causal chains through which changes are produced.
Participants are invited to share their thoughts and experiences on the following questions (as well as others they propose) as they relate to equity-focused and gender responsive evaluation.
Theme 3: Towards equity-focused and gender-responsive national evaluation systems – Multi-stakeholder partnerships to strengthen national evaluation capacities
The SDGs pose challenges for national evaluation systems as the SDGs require the involvement of a broader range of stakeholders, a broadening of the range of indicators to be measured and the methodological and organizational problems required to assess sustainability which requires collecting data over a much longer period of time. Many programmes are intended to produce benefits that continue over five or even ten years and the evaluation must (ideally) continue over all of this period. So instead of conventional evaluations that often only cover the 3-5 years of project implementation, the SDG evaluations may be required to continue for twice as long. The application of a social equity and gender equality lens will often present additional challenges for national evaluation systems, including the fact that the evaluation of gender outcomes and impacts is often the weakest part of many national evaluation systemsand the methodologies for evaluating social equity are also not well developed in many countries (or in the evaluation literature in general). Given resource constraints of many evaluation agencies, it will often not be possible to consider specialized evaluations that focus exclusively on equity and gender, and it will be necessary to adapt standard M&E methodologies to address these issues. It will be important to consider the extent to which some of the multi-shareholder partnerships can bring in agencies with expertise in these areas and with additional resources that may permit the selective application of gender and equity focused data collection and analysis methodologies
Participants are invited to share their thoughts and experiences on the following questions (as well as others they propose) as they relate to equity focused and gender-responsive evaluation.
Theme 4: Demand for and use of evidence from equity-focused and gender responsive evaluation to inform equitable development
Experience from all regions and sectors shows that one of the biggest challenges facing evaluation systems is the very low rate of utilization of evaluations. In many cases evaluation findings do not reach many of the key organizations and groups (including community and women’s organizations), in other cases they are not presented in a form which is easily accessible to some groups, particularly the most vulnerable. Even when evaluations are reviewed, action is often not taken on many of the recommendations. These challenges are likely to be even more serious for social equity and gender equality as these themes are less familiar to many organizations and the mechanisms to review and action are often less developed.
Participants are invited to share their thoughts and experiences on the following questions (as well as others they propose) as they relate to equity focused and gender-responsive evaluation.
I really have not been able to do much because I am so swamped but I am genuinely interested in all that is going on. So I shall stay updated as much as possible.
Very happy to be a member and joining these discussions.
For accurate measurements to be achieved,there is need to develop clear and implementable indicators.There are times when we have set out to measure gender questions and have ended up not getting very accurate data.For overall SDGs to make sense,they must also be reduced into the simplicity that will guide data collection,achieve accurate data hence right decisions.
i Agreed with Henry too. Must table the Priorities, revisiting indicators and design matrix and proper channel on collection of data is must. As marco said yesterday the pilot exercise in 6 countries must implement to study the approach.
Interesting discussion. Let me share the sample "equity focused and gender responsive National Evaluation Policy" published by EvalPartners (as part of The sample has lot of key points for us to learn when developing NEP in our countries. If EFGR is in the evaluation policy itself, it would be easier to include it in evaluations.
It is quite interesting and i am excited to be part of this discussion. I think some of the challenging issues are in the development of indicators in a manner that are simple and understandable to give accurate results. At what level and how to incorporate M& E in our governement institutions which are often corrupt with little or no knwledge on M&E in general and more so, in social equity and gender equality.
I am glad to be part of the discussion group. For me, the reason why we are far behind in achieving gender equity is the lack clear of 'Theory of Change' in development program planning and practical operations. Irrespective of the types of organizations (government and non-government) we all are after the same common goal given that achieving gender equity is crucial aspects of achieving social equity. All we need is to link our program objectives to our expected outcomes with considerable amount of procedural elements towards achieving the outcomes.
Dear Basundhara, who should be involved in developing the theory of change? Thanks
I agree with you equity lens is important. Would you have any experience of convincing any commissioner of evaluation for gender and equity focused evaluation. Thanks and warm hello Vanessa!
I am glad that it is so explicit. Otherwise gender is restricted to man and women power relations. What can do that this lens is fully integrated into our national systems. Thanks dear Vanessa!
That is why Evalgender+ !!!
Dear Vanessa and Rituu
Some what I agreed, how ever concern too.
I think integrating all in to National Policy Plan it is not possible in many countries . How ever policy must have broader approach through guidelines . As rituu says not only woman and man . But we must used a suitable context and contents and right approach to the difficult countries to accommodate all into their National Policy Plan.
Rituu question: What can do that this lens is fully integrated into our national systems? All above what I said with Do No harm Concept. That`s need lots of Brainstorming and analysis , so there won`t be any temporary halt on the process due to lack of analysis in country context.
I hope this make sense
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