Monthly Corner

Keri Culver Blog - January 2025

It is about evaluation in the field, and while gender will be an important part of the content, it is not explicitly or totally dedicated to gender in evaluation topics.

New Monitoring and Evaluation website

We are currently publishing a series on Post-Distribution Monitoring, with more MEAL-related topics and articles to come. We also welcome suggestions for future content.

Urban Management Centre Publication

This guide aims to enhance livelihoods and create a supportive environment for street vendors in India. It also highlights the specific needs of women street vendors and how cities can adopt a gender-responsive approach to planning.

CGIAR Blog  -  January 2025

Kore Global Blogs


I am trying to develop a SOW for someone to do a training which integrates gender into project monitoring and evaluation and I am having trouble coming up with what might go into the training agenda. Can anyone send me training agendas they might have used or have or help me with ideas they might have.

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I never meant to suggest that data not be disaggregated and, in fact, I think that it is required in most projects, at least USAID, but that is not enough.

Hello Sandra,

There are few things to consider;

1. Training Participants.

This should be equal men-women. During the training give more space for women especially in post conflict setting where is patriarchal culture existed. And also what type of participants will attend the training.

2. Agenda of the training.

- This have to consider for time factor. If enough time. During first section for two hours. Provide women a space to speak without any disturbance. The men only have to listen. Moderator have to have skill to make participants to speak. 

- After that will have to be understanding differences between sex and gender. This session need some game that can be accepted by the culture.

- Followed by program intervention output or impacts 

- FGD on the achievement based on their understanding.

-FGD on the action plan for better impacts.

I hope it is helpfull




Thanks, I am trying to put together a Scope of Work so I can hire a gender expert who can train a specific group of people how to integrate gender into monitoring and development.  I am not leading the training.

Sorry, for the confusion and it is my mistake.

Basic things are the person is qualified by academic or experience, understand the complexity of gender issues in development program especially in post conflict setting, where sometime interpretation of religion might discriminate women further, have knowledge on module design and development and experience in conducting training. For details I think there are a lot of source on-line.

I hope you will  manage to develop soon. Best of luck



Great! That's exactly what I want.

Hi the ILO has a guidance note for project managers to mainstream gender in M&E it may help with a SOW for a training.

Hi Grania,

Whether it helps me or not, it looks interesting.  Thanks so much.


Hi Sandra, 

I think a lot about effectiveness of gender trainings. Do they really bring about a change? An evaluation of such trainings might provide us with some insights. 

A large part of my work is around behaviour change (using community life competence process of the Constellation). What I have learned is combining behaviour change skills with gender are bringing changes. Just some food for thought:-)

Best wishes for the training. Do keep us informed on what you did and what can we learn from you.


Thanks, Rituu. 

I am actually not going to do the training. As COP, I do not think I am ever in the right position to train my staff as the power differential always gets in the way.  I believe that an outside person always is the best choice as the audience have no preconceived ideas nor are their any power differentials.  That's why I am trying to write a Scope of Work as I want to advertise to find the best qualified person to give the training.  Also, the training is not about gender, but on the integration of gender into monitoring and evaluation.

This was a discussion we had in Gender and Evaluation community. Might be of help


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