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Value for Women Publication 2024

Some of the Indian Females (may be more than I can imagine)  already know their Rights. But when it comes to Violence, they keep their mouths shut. Why??? Is it society of whom they are so much afraid of? Or is it their own Families, whom they want to secure and keep away from all the Legal Procedures. But I really wonder, which Families they want to secure??...The Families which are torturing or humiliating them. The Society who is trying to take away their Rights from them. A Family or a Society who always want to neglect Girls and treat them as a 'Burden'. Why, then females have to think for such Societies or Families? Why can't they take a step on their own?...Why do they think that they are so vulnerable that they can't stand and fight for their own Rights??...WHY?????

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Dear Charu, your posting is good. in my experience, as am from rural area, most of the women are still not aware of their rights and they bond for the tradition, culture and norms. these are are hurdles for them to raise their voice. i want to quote an example.. how many female can express that their unwillingness to their husband to have sex. unfortunately this picture is too bad with regard to Sexual reproductive health context.

Thanks Mr. Srinagarraju for your reply!
For a moment it could be thought that the females in Rural Areas have no information about their 'rights' but what would you say about the females in Cities?? They are literate and though aware of their Rights. But still they keep their 'Mouth Shut' when it comes to the domestic violence. Or should I say that they accept everything (e.g Sexual Harassment, indifference between her brother and herself etc.) even if its wrong. I know, so many people in my close relation, who are victims of everyday domestic violence. But still they say, its their Family and they can't raise their Voice against their family members, as it would turn as a 'Matter of Shame' not for their family members but for themselves. I really don't understand this criteria of such educated women. And according to my understanding, this 'SILENCE' give the males more Power.

I totally agree with you... we cannot estimate such  cases when female facing stigma and discrimination and not reported... i am sure that this situation will not help us to draw any interventions in terms of education, empowerment etc. 

Thanks again Mr. Srinagaraju for your very true reply!  

You know what, I am writing my Master-Thesis on 'Women's Rights as Human Rights in India' and I keep thinking, what could actually be done to make women empowered, so that they raise their voice against Violence, but somehow I am not able to get to its root-problems/causes and thus, thought to put this query here.  The only question that surrounds my mind is 'WHY??'. Why do Women tolerate everything?? Have to really go deep inside to find it out.


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