claudy vouhe
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claudy vouhe's Discussions

Evaluation genre et éducation de base (AFD)

Started Dec 9, 2021 0 Replies

Voici une information qui peut vous intéresser ou vos réseaux. L’AFD recherche un-e/des consultant-e(s) pour réaliser l’évaluation de la prise en compte du genre dans les projets d’éducation qu’elle…Continue

Resources on COVID and Gender / ressources genre et covid / recursos género y covid

Started this discussion. Last reply by Rituu B Nanda Jul 4, 2020. 14 Replies

Dear all, cher·e tout•e le monde, querid@s,I am compiling in a collaborative manner, a list of articles on gender and covid (FR, Eng Spanish and now some German). You can share your resources in this…Continue

Tags: gender, COVID

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Dec 10, 2021
claudy vouhe posted a discussion

Evaluation genre et éducation de base (AFD)

Voici une information qui peut vous intéresser ou vos réseaux. L’AFD recherche un-e/des consultant-e(s) pour réaliser l’évaluation de la prise en compte du genre dans les projets d’éducation qu’elle finance. Les TDR figurent en pj et sont publiés sur  sous la référence suivante « EVA-2021-0597 - Évaluation de la prise en compte du genre dans les projets d'éducation primaire et secondaire».…See More
Dec 9, 2021
Rituu B Nanda replied to claudy vouhe's discussion Resources on COVID and Gender / ressources genre et covid / recursos género y covid
"JENN WILLIAMSON Resources to Support Inclusive and Equitable COVID-19 Response"
Jul 4, 2020
Poonam Rai liked claudy vouhe's discussion Resources on COVID and Gender / ressources genre et covid / recursos género y covid
May 15, 2020
R Fisher Ingraham liked claudy vouhe's discussion Resources on COVID and Gender / ressources genre et covid / recursos género y covid
Apr 23, 2020
claudy vouhe replied to claudy vouhe's discussion Resources on COVID and Gender / ressources genre et covid / recursos género y covid
"Thanks, this resource is in the list already. What do you want to do ? New mail"
Apr 16, 2020
Ellen Lewis replied to claudy vouhe's discussion Resources on COVID and Gender / ressources genre et covid / recursos género y covid
"Here is a list that is getting updated weekly almost."
Apr 16, 2020
Rituu B Nanda replied to claudy vouhe's discussion Resources on COVID and Gender / ressources genre et covid / recursos género y covid
"Website gathering data on gender and COVID Posted by Ellen Lewis"
Apr 16, 2020
Julia Espinosa replied to claudy vouhe's discussion Resources on COVID and Gender / ressources genre et covid / recursos género y covid
"Warm regards from Seville! Julia"
Apr 15, 2020
Fouzia Rahman liked claudy vouhe's discussion Resources on COVID and Gender / ressources genre et covid / recursos género y covid
Apr 15, 2020
Rituu B Nanda replied to claudy vouhe's discussion Resources on COVID and Gender / ressources genre et covid / recursos género y covid
"Thank you Julia! A warm hi."
Apr 13, 2020
Julia Espinosa replied to claudy vouhe's discussion Resources on COVID and Gender / ressources genre et covid / recursos género y covid
Apr 13, 2020
Julia Espinosa liked claudy vouhe's discussion Resources on COVID and Gender / ressources genre et covid / recursos género y covid
Apr 13, 2020
claudy vouhe and Pandu Hailonga-van Dijk are now friends
Apr 13, 2020
claudy vouhe replied to claudy vouhe's discussion Resources on COVID and Gender / ressources genre et covid / recursos género y covid
"What do you want to do ? New mail Thank you all soooo much! So far the list had 3 languages. But you can add articles in other languages. Someone recently created a section for German at the end of the list, you can do the same with the language…"
Apr 13, 2020
A discussion started by claudy vouhe was featured

Resources on COVID and Gender / ressources genre et covid / recursos género y covid

Dear all, cher·e tout•e le monde, querid@s,I am compiling in a collaborative manner, a list of articles on gender and covid (FR, Eng Spanish and now some German). You can share your resources in this forum for all to see, and I'll copy/paste them in the list later. Je rassemble de manière collaborative des articles sur genre et COVID (en Fr, Anglais, espagnol et maintenant en allemand). Vous pouvez partager des ressources sur ce forum pour que tout le monde en profite, et je les ajouterai à la…See More
Apr 13, 2020

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At 15:46 on April 8, 2020, Rituu B Nanda said…

Cher Claudy,

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