Monthly Corner

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Conducting Gender Sensitive Evaluations Training Report

Uganda Evaluation Week 2015 Conference Report on the Pre-Conference Training Topic: Conducting Gender Sensitive Evaluations Trainers: Rose Nalwadda& Grace Tukaheebwa

Introduction: This report presents feedback on the pre-conference training on conducting gender sensitive evaluations that took place on 11th March 2015 during the Uganda Evaluation Week 2015. It outlines the purpose of the training, explains the methodology used, highlights the participants’ general appreciation of gender as one of the dimensions of quality evaluations and a occlusion is given with suggestions for future training on gender sensitive evaluations. Annexed to the report is the list of names of participants and the one-day programme. Purpose and objectives The training was meant to bring together evaluation and gender experts to share experience and discuss means of enhancing capacity to mainstream gender in evaluation processes and how to ensure gender responsiveness of results as one of the important dimensions of quality evaluations. The training was intended to achieve the following three objectives: a) Formulate gender responsive evaluation tools b) Articulate the process, benefits and challenges of undertaking gender responsive evaluations with particular emphasis on constructing gender responsive indicators c) Identify gaps and make Evaluation recommendations for enhancing skills for gender responsive evaluations Methodology and content: The training was interactive and used methods that encouraged participation and sought to enlist sharing of experience and knowledge about gender as a concept and Monitoring and Evaluation. Short lectures, VIP cards, group and plenary discussions were used to guide the sharing of knowledge and experiences. Content - Used the climate setting session to establish the participants understanding of gender as a concept using pictorial illustrations. - Power point presentations were made to give a brief overview of gender responsive Monitoring and evaluation; the process, benefits and challenges and a detailed discussion on development of indicators with specific focus on gender responsive indicators - Group discussions were held to provide participants with hands on experience of identification and selection of gender responsiveness indicators in humanitarian aid interventions using Bududa landslide disaster as a case study.

A programme for the full day training is attached as Annex 2 on the report. Results a) Attendance: The training attracted a half of the targeted number of 30 participants. Of the 15 participants who attended the training 2 were men. There was equal participation from Government and the private and non-government organizations. It is interesting to observe that research officers from the parliament (the overseers of government business) attended in good number. The training did not attract foreign participants. A list of names of participants is attached as Annex 1 on this report b) Appreciation of the gender concept From the evaluation done at the end of the training it was evident that the participants were able to relate to a number of terms related to gender-responsive evaluations. Participants had good knowledge of gender and evaluation but need more skills in developing appropriate gender indicators. The benefits and challenges of undertaking gender responsive evaluations became apparent and there was general consensus that skills enhancement for indicator development is necessary. Basing on the results of the group discussions of the Bududa case study, it was evident that interpretation of TOR for evaluation assignments is another area that needs improvement. The assignment was interpreted differently by the two groups. While one group made effort to establish the requirements for the assignment from the facilitators, the other group did not. Skills and effective approaches of client engagement especially at the stage of interpretation of TOR and development of an inception report for gender sensitive evaluations could be a focus for future training. c) Limitations • The training attracted fewer participants than expected – this limited the scope of experiences shared and the possible learning from the diverse users of gender sensitive evaluation results. • Because of the limited time, it was not possible to address the objective of formulation of gender responsive tools. • For both limitations suggestions are made for improving participation and training content in the next concluding section. Conclusion and way forward Participants got an opportunity to reflect on the benefits and likely challenges of conducting gender responsive evaluations and they appreciated the information shared on developing gender sensitive indicators. There was general consensus that more hands on training was needed related to gender sensitive indicator development.

The following suggestions are made to the organizers of future Uganda Evaluation Week pre-conference training: 1. The Uganda Evaluation Association and partners have to consider better ways of popularizing and encouraging members to attend gender –related training. Being a new area, still at the stage of appreciation, the training could be organized to benefit all conference participants. 2. Future training could focus on sharing and defining gender related concepts in evaluations, Step by step approaches for gender responsive evaluations and sharing of results and questions and indicators development. Interpretation of TORs and preparing of an inception report for a gender responsive evaluation should be given enough attention among all the steps. 3. To explore affirmative action that will encourage participation of more men in the training.  

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Comment by Grace Tukaheebwa on August 12, 2015 at 12:16

Thank you so much for your comment, we will make it better next year

Comment by nigussie mihretu on August 10, 2015 at 17:50

 Dear Grace,thank you for sharing gender sensitive evaluation report. I think even though the training has few limitations regarding participants composition and number of participants, it was productive. The skill of evaluation experts on gender mainstreaming and commitment of decision makers is essential to make gender sensitive evaluation.

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