Different approaches to carry out a gender and human rights sensitive evaluation

Dear colleagues,

I would like to share with you our last publication about gender equality, human rights and evaluation. The book Diferentes aproximaciones para hacer una evaluación sensible al género y al enfoque basado en derechos humanos para el desarrollo / Different approaches to carry out a gender and human rights sensitive evaluation. This is a publication of the Ministry of Foreing Affairs and Cooperation of the Government of Spain and it is based in a two-years research process carried out by a team from Complutense University of Madrid -Juan Andrés Ligero, Carmen Mormeneo, María Bustelo and I-. The goal of this research was to identify and analyse the different proposals to integrate a gender pespective and a human rights based approach into development evaluation.

At the moment, this is only in Spanish but this is being traslated into English. So, we will share with you the English version as soon as we receive it.

Different approaches to carry out a gender and human rights sensiti...

We hope you find it useful and we are open to your feedback.

Warm regards from Spain,


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Comment by Daniel chawatma on December 13, 2022 at 22:19

Hello Julia,

The resources are laden with  relevant information and will no doubt broaden my understanding of gender-responsive evaluative processes.

Thank you and keep on sharing like kind sources.



Comment by Rituu B Nanda on November 6, 2014 at 16:19
Comment by Julia Espinosa on September 23, 2014 at 14:24

Hola John,

Pues ya tenemos el libro en inglés en versión draft. Esperamos que para octubre podamos difundirlo.

Esperamos que os sea de interés y utilidad.

Saludos y estamos en contacto,


Comment by John Siddham on September 20, 2014 at 22:24
Hola Julia , en primer lugar felicitaciones en obtener este documento publicado . Mi español no es muy bueno, pero me miró a través del documento de la Academia, me pareció muy completo e interesante . Espero con interés la traducción en Inglés . Mi interés , entre otros , está a punto de intersección en la cultura de los derechos basados ​​en el trabajo de desarrollo . John .
Comment by Rituu B Nanda on September 4, 2014 at 15:07

Thanks Julia! Very much looking forward to the English version:-)

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