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United Nations Evaluation Group Launches updated Norms and Standards for Evaluation - July 2016

Dear colleagues,

I have the pleasure to inform you that the UNEG Evaluation Norms and Standards have been updated to better reflect the strategic changes happened in the last 10 years, notably the launch of the Sustainable Development Goals and the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda. The updated UNEG N&S includes 4 new Norms on a) Internationally agreed principles, goals and targets; b) Human rights and gender equality; c) National evaluation capacities, and d) Professionalism, in addition stronger emphasis on the utility and use of evaluation. We hope this revised UNEG Norm & Standards will strengthen and harmonize evaluation in the United Nations system and provide a useful framework for national level evaluations and the global evaluation community.

Below additional details. Please help us in circulating this widely!

Best regards


Marco Segone

Director, Independent Evaluation Office, UNWomen, Chair, United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG), Co-chair, EvalGender+






United Nations Evaluation Group Launches updated Norms and Standards for Evaluation - July 2016


The 2016 UNEG Norms and Standards provides shared basic principles and best practices in managing, conducting and using evaluations. The ten general norms should be upheld in the conduct of any evaluation; the four institutional norms should be reflected in the management and governance of evaluation functions. The associated standards support the implementation of these normative principles.

The UNEG Norms and Standards was first adopted in 2005. Since then, it has been the guiding documents for the UN evaluation community and greatly recognized by member states and the global evaluation community.

The last decade has witnessed many changes in global, regional and national contexts, and in the practice of evaluation. 2015 alone saw the adoption of the new 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (which call for robust, transparent, participatory follow-up and review mechanisms based on country-led evaluations), and the first-ever International Year of Evaluation. At the end of 2014 the United Nations General Assembly adopted resolution 69/237 on “Building Capacity for the Evaluation of Development Activities at t....”

The adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development raises the bar for global development. This has profound implications for the evaluation functions of United Nations agencies and for the United Nations evaluation system as a whole. In order to respond to the evolving context, as well as the increasing demands for accountability and national ownership in evaluation, in 2016, UNEG adopted the updated Norms and Standards for Evaluation. The updated Norms and Standards are forward-looking, providing an aspirational and progressive framework to contribute to the improvement of all United Nations evaluation functions.

It is hoped that this document will strengthen and harmonize evaluation in the United Nations system and provide a useful framework for national level evaluations and the global evaluation community.


The United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG) is a professional network that brings together the offices responsible for evaluation in the UN system, including the specialized agencies, funds, programmes and affiliated organizations. UNEG currently has 47 such members and three observers. UNEG aims to foster independence, credibility and usefulness of the evaluation function across the UN system, promote the importance of evaluation for learning, decision-making and accountability, and support the evaluation community in the UN system and beyond.

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