Hiwot Tedla - Blog
Suneha Kandpal Publications
Kennedy OULU - Report on "Most Significant Change"
Time: December 7, 2020 from 1pm to 2pm
Location: Online "7th Dec,1pm Phnom Penh/ Bangkok/ Jakarta time"
Event Type: webinar
Organized By: APCRSHR
Latest Activity: Dec 9, 2020
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During 16 days of activism against sexual and other forms of gender-based violence, be welcome to join us in the 13th session of #APCRSHR10 Virtual.
CHAIR: Prof Thein Thein Htay, former Deputy Health Minister, Myanmar; and honorary Professor, University of Public Health, Myanmar and University of Oslo, Norway; and visiting Professor, SEISA University, Yokohama, Japan
PLENARY SPEAKER: Sujata Tuladhar, Technical Specialist, Gender-based Violence, UNFPA Asia-Pacific | "Promising practices in addressing gender-based violence during COVID-19"
* Sovananry Tuot | Gender-based violence experiences and sexual and reproductive health among female entertainment workers in Cambodia: a cross-sectional study
* Melania Hidayat | Rapid Assessment of the Gender-Based Violence During the Emergency Situation in Palu, Sigi and Donggala - Central Sulawesi
* Sagar Sachdeva | Re-Evaluating Masculinities for SRH and GBV Programming
* Ajay Kumar Singh | Does asserting Sexual and Reproductive Rights Prevents Married Women from Marital Rape: An Exploratory Study from India
VOICE FROM THE FRONTLINE: Prameswari Puspa Dewi. National Coordinator, KITASAMA (Koalisi Indonesia untuk Seksualitas dan Keberagaman/Indonesia Coalition for Sexuality and Diversity)
Register https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tZErdOmhqzMiG0D4oDV2lVjQ8e4vJmUkqw
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