Emmeline Willcocks
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New BRACED evaluation papers

Started Jan 5, 2017 0 Replies

Hi everyone,I thought you might be interested in our latest Building Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Extremes and Disasters (BRACED) evaluation reports:The…Continue

Tags: Extremes, Climate, Adaptation, Resilience

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Itad Ltd
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Areas of work like health, education etc
Itad works in Health, Education, Empowerment & Accountability, Gender, Climate Change, Private Sector Development, Organisational Effectiveness, Social Protection, and FCAS
Skills like research, monitoring, evaluation
Monitoring and Evaluation
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Emmeline Willcocks's Blog

Itad’s Gender Snapshot Review: charting the way forward for mainstreaming gender within our work and operations

Posted on July 4, 2016 at 15:10 4 Comments

In September last year, Itad joined the HeforShe global campaign for gender equality.  We took this decision with the intention of strengthening our gender focus, both in our monitoring and evaluation work, and in our internal operations.  Since then, we have certainly not been idle!

To map out a way forward, we decided to review how gender currently features in Itad and use…


Gender Equality:what's in it for men?

Posted on February 23, 2016 at 21:00 0 Comments

Gender equality: what’s in it for men?

When we talk about gender equality, aren’t we talking about women’s participation and empowerment? So why work with men? Involving men and boys in programmes on gender equality is something that has been overlooked for many years, but there is increasing evidence that in order to address gender inequality effectively, men have to become part of the debate and take up an active role in modelling positive gender attitudes and…


A Ridiculously Short Introduction to Monitoring & Evaluation for Women’s Economic Empowerment in Market Systems Development*

Posted on January 25, 2016 at 14:54 2 Comments

So you want to measure and/or evaluate a programme with Women’s Economic Empowerment? The programme is using a market systems approach? Don’t know where to start? I was equally curious. Luckily, a number of very smart and experienced people have written and spoken on the subject. Below are some of the key points that stuck with me while I’ve been reading up on this subject.

Understand your Intervention

To monitor and/or evaluate a programme, it is…


Improving Evidence Use in Government Decision-Making

Posted on June 2, 2015 at 19:30 3 Comments

This blog was originally posted on Itad.com, by David Fleming, Senior Consultant. 

Some thoughts from a case study in fragile/conflict-affected environments.

I recently attended the second annual roundtable meeting of the Africa Cabinet Government Network (ACGN) in Accra. The Network brings together Cabinet Secretaries and secretariat staff across twelve African…


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At 15:33 on October 25, 2015, Rituu B Nanda said…

 Happy birthday 

At 8:29 on June 5, 2015, Rituu B Nanda said…

Dear Emmeline,

A warm welcome!

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Warm regards,



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