Hiwot Tedla - Blog
Suneha Kandpal Publications
Kennedy OULU - Report on "Most Significant Change"
Susanne Lucie BAUER has not received any gifts yet
Dear colleagues, I am currently developing a business curriculum to support women's livelihoods (SWL) in Zambia, contracted by the Worldbank. The challenges lie in particular in questions of low literacy, level of business experience, and availability of information. Language and simplicity of messages also represent factors to facilitate this type of business straining to low-literacy women in rural and remote areas. I will keep You updated once a final draft is ready, I first will have to agree on all steps and lessons with the team in Lusaka. Kind regards, Susanne.
Your response to Karon is greatly appreciated.Thanks dear Susanne. Am also a Taos Institute Associate.
Thanks for your response to Puvneswary!
Dear Susanne,
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