Feminist Evaluation Topical Interest Group Call for Submissions AEA365 Blog and AEA2017

Greetings Fellow Evaluators!

The Feminist Evaluation Topical Interest Group (TIG) of the American Evaluation Association (AEA) would like to take a moment to invite you to participate in two opportunities to support and contribute to the AEA Feminist Evaluation TIG, and evaluation community. These opportunities include:

1)   URGENT! We are seeking 6 contributors for AEA365 Tip a Day. Our group manages a week-long, series of blogposts on AEA365 from March 5th – 11th. We’d like for you to consider being a part of this. Due to the short deadline, it may be worth revising previous work, updating, or building on an older post, etc. We can’t wait to see what you will share with our evaluation community! Please send your blog post drafts to (Christine Fabian, christine.fabian@wisc.edu) by February 10, 2017.

Writing an AEA365 Blogpost is fun and easy!

2)   Submit a proposal for Evaluation 2017 Conference: We are looking forward to a strong representation from the Feminist TIG among the proposals! It will be wonderful to see many presentations sponsored by the Feminist TIG at AEA 2017 in Washington this fall.

DEADLINE: Proposal Submissions must be received by 11:59 PM ET March 16, 2017.

Check out the AEA website for more information:


If you have an idea for a blog post, think about how you can elaborate your topic into a conference proposal! If you have an idea for a conference proposal, think about how you can summarize it in a blog post and generate interest in your topic before the conference!



AEA Feminist TIG Leadership

Christine Fabian, Jane Whynot and Michael Bamberger

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Hey! Do you accept blogpost in French?

Bonjour Jean-Marie, 

We would certainly welcome a blogpost in French. 

Cheers, Jane


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