Monthly Corner

Astha Ramaiya Articles

Girls' Education Challenge - Working Paper, 2024

SIAS Publications, 2024

Ellen Hagerman and Ai-Ju Huang - Blog, December 2024

IEG & World Bank Group Publication - 2024

This evaluation assesses World Bank Group support to address gender inequalities between fiscal years 2012 and 2023.

IEG & World Bank - Blog

A new evaluation of a decade’s worth of World Bank Group support for gender equality offers insights and lessons to inform the implementation of the institution’s ambitious, new gender strategy.

Utthan & Edel Give Foundation Publication - 2024

This zine, commissioned by Utthan and supported by EdelGive Foundation, captures the essence of a qualitative evaluation,Transformative Narratives: Storytelling for Evaluation and Organizational Learning through a Gender Justice Lens, of a multi-themed project implemented by Utthan over 2021-2024.  Piloting Storytelling as a means of Learning & Evaluation has been of immense value to us as a team and the communities we serve.

Dear All,

"ETI is looking for an expert in GESI."


GESI Expert for Empowering Teachers Initiative: Teacher Professional Development at Scale (ETI)

 Project Overview


To achieve Sustainable Development Goal 4, quality education for all, the Global South needs access to high-quality teachers. However, the region faces challenges such as large student-to-teacher ratios, limited resources, and inadequate education quality. Improving teacher professional development (TPD) is crucial to address this need, as teachers play a vital role in creating a stimulating learning environment that fosters curiosity, critical thinking, and a lifelong love for learning.


The Empowering Teachers Initiative: Teacher Professional Development at Scale (ETI) is a program that seeks to improve teacher practices in the Global South by improving equity, quality, and efficiency in TPD systems. The program’s objectives are: 1) to understand how to effectively and efficiently scale quality TPD in the global south, 2) to strengthen the capacity of in-country education stakeholders to scale quality TPD programs, and 3) to contribute to evidence-informed policy and practices for inclusive and effective TPD.


ETI will promote research-policy collaborations in at least 12 countries, using evidence-based frameworks to improve large-scale TPD systems. Governments are expected to adopt an inclusive approach prioritizing equity, quality, and efficiency in designing and implementing TPD programs. The project aims to impact over three million teachers and at least 50 million students.


Led jointly by the Foundation for Information Technology Education and Development in the Philippines and SUMMA in Chile, this 42-month-long program will grant funding and provide technical support to 10 studies involving in-country researchers working closely with governments to equitably scale high-quality TPD innovations. It will provide technical support to a further five country-level studies funded by third parties along with undertaking meta-studies and specialized research, conducting capacity strengthening activities, and organizing policy and practice influencing events for government policymakers and decision-makers, researchers, TPD designers and implementers, and other key stakeholders at sub-national, national, regional, and international levels. The program ambition is for research to be GESI transformative. 

 Contract Terms

Maximum of 15 days over 8 months:  1 December 2023 – 30 July 2024

 The position is an output-based consultancy. Payment will be made on completion of deliverables as detailed below. 

 Scope of Work

The GESI Expert shall work closely with the ETI Joint Program Management Team and the Component Leads to:


  1. Assess GESI support needs across the program


  • Conduct an assessment of the GESI approaches and possible support needs of the Country Research Teams and additional program components (e.g., Other Research, Research Support for Non-grantees, Policy and Practice Influencing, and Capacity Strengthening). This work shall be undertaken through analysis of the project proposals and conversations during the Global Meeting (24 to 26 January 2024 in Kigali, Rwanda) if it is possible for the consultant to attend the meeting or afterwards through online conversations.
  • Deliverable: Comprehensive report analyzing project approaches to GESI and offering a draft framework to enable Country Research Teams to self-assess their GESI strengths and areas for development. The report should also detail the assessed GESI support needs for Country Research Teams and program components. Due 30 February 2024.


  1. Support projects to improve their understanding of GESI in applied research


  • Support Country Research Teams to use the self-assessment tool and develop action plans to improve their GESI approach.
  • Collaborate with component leads to conceptualize and plan virtual GESI sessions for Country Research Teams and other stakeholders, as appropriate.
  • Deliverable: Discussion with each Country Research Team on their GESI self-assessment and plans. Detailed plans for virtual GESI sessions. Due 30 April 2024


  1. Facilitate GESI Sessions


  • Lead and facilitate GESI sessions during the second Global Meeting (tentatively set for July 2024), ensuring their successful execution as agreed upon with component leads.
  • Deliverable: Effective facilitation of GESI sessions with documented outcomes and feedback. Due 30 July 2024.


  • At least a Master’s Degree in Management, Development Studies, Social Sciences, Education, or other relevant to the position
  • Established expertise in the field of Gender Equality and Social Inclusion
  • Experience in working in low/middle income contexts or the Global South
  • Experience in working with GESI frameworks in research projects
  • Ability to develop and maintain close working relationships in a multicultural complex and changing environment; including engaging officials at a senior level, as well as communicating effectively to a diverse range of stakeholders
  • Experience in overseeing and coordinating logistical and technical requirements for Program activities
  • Knowledge and experience in using
  • Google Workspace (Gmail, Docs, Sheets, Slides, etc.)
  • Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.)
  • Conference software (Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams)
    • Excellent command of the English language (including strong writing skills for various forms and contexts); knowledge of other languages prevalent in the Global South is a plus
    • Ability to undertake international travel


 Interested parties should email their CV to John Nicdao at

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