Monthly Corner


I am a student of Master in Evaluation.

I drafted my thesis paper in the form of an evaluation report. The paper is finalised, but before sharing with my supervisors, I would like a professional and academic proofreading. The paper is around 15,000 words and I need it done before end of March. I will be happy to pay a token amount as gift. I request for your help. If anyone is interested, please contact me via my email

Thanks for your support,

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Hi Murtaza,

I am from Indonesia, and certainly not a native speaker but have been working for international organisations, both bilateral and multi-lateral development partners, in Indonesia since 1999. I  would be more than happy to offer my little help for free as long as the time table suits mine. Should you feel comfortable with this offer, please send me your work in MsWord format by email to my yahoo account at I may be able to work on it whilst waiting for my new contract to arrive. 

Thanking Rituu for sharing this around to us through email so that it come to our attention. 

With kind regards,

Yulia Immajati (Imma)


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