Monthly Corner

I thought it could be useful to have a thread where members could post references to short pieces that they may have read on issues related to either work on gender equality or on its evaluation.

To get things started, I found an article today called "Stop! Mind the gender gap in development discourses"

Gender equality seems to have lost its resonance in development discourses, though lessons from experiences in implementing Millennium Development Goals show that countries can experience different levels of economic growth and still suffer from massive social and economic inequalities. This post argues that it is time to include gender equality as a cross-cutting theme and anchor for development agendas to attain balanced development outcomes.

Do post comments here if you find this article is useful or offers valuable insights – and especially if it is no good at all! All comments are useful.

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Hi Robin,

Thanks for your idea. We have a place for this called Newsroom.

Would you like to post it there?




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