Monthly Corner

Keri Culver Blog - January 2025

It is about evaluation in the field, and while gender will be an important part of the content, it is not explicitly or totally dedicated to gender in evaluation topics.

New Monitoring and Evaluation website

We are currently publishing a series on Post-Distribution Monitoring, with more MEAL-related topics and articles to come. We also welcome suggestions for future content.

Urban Management Centre Publication

This guide aims to enhance livelihoods and create a supportive environment for street vendors in India. It also highlights the specific needs of women street vendors and how cities can adopt a gender-responsive approach to planning.

CGIAR Blog  -  January 2025

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  • Rajib Nandi
  • Rituu B Nanda

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Sep 13, 2022
Merce Nostas Ardaya is attending Rituu B Nanda's event

Research in partnership: Indigenous and Tribal communities at "May 27, 2021 12:00 PM in Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney time"

May 27, 2021 from 12pm to 1pm
Research in partnership: Indigenous and Tribal communities’ in the next session of The George Institute for Global Health's 'Coffee with Latin America' series.Panellists will share perspectives on the approach to research and processes for community involvement, government and capacity building, and the use of Indigenous methodologies that focus on community research. The…See More
May 26, 2021
Merce Nostas Ardaya is attending Rajib Nandi's event

Empowering Voices with Participatory Video/ Photo-voice at "2 pm CET"

May 27, 2021 from 2pm to 4pm
Institute of Social Studies Trust (ISST) and EvalGender+ present workshop on Empowering Voices with Participatory Video/ Photo-voiceFacilitators: Ralf Otto and Simon KoolwijkDate/time: 27th May 2021, 14.00 – 16.00 CETFormat: Input, film screening, exercise in breakout groupsOverview of session / objectives:-        Introduction to participatory video: process, requirements, what it can, what it cannot -        Case studies and watching footage with stories from refugees in Uganda and in…See More
May 23, 2021
Merce Nostas Ardaya is attending Rajib Nandi's event

Software for Qualitative Data Analysis: A Good Servant or a Bad Master at "6 pm Indian Standard Time"

May 6, 2021 from 6pm to 7:15pm
As the M&E community stretches to meet the demand for evidence, one question is whether or not to use software to analyse qualitative data generated from observations, interviews and focus group discussions. A related question is which software to use. But other equally critical questions include: how to ally methodological approaches to evaluation with the software choice, how best to work in a team environment. In my talk I would address these questions and discuss 3 popularly used…See More
Apr 19, 2021
Merce Nostas Ardaya updated their profile
May 28, 2020

Profile Information

Cambridge University, Universidad Autónoma Gabriel René Moreno
How did you know about gender & evaluation community
Friends who work with me
Areas of work like health, education etc
teacher, research and work with indigenous people, women and NGOs
Skills like research, monitoring, evaluation
research, monitoring and evaluation
Facebook profile
merce nostasa
Which languages are you comfortable with ?
Spanish, Portuguese and English

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At 1:32 on July 6, 2016, Rituu B Nanda said…

Estimados Merce Nostas,

¡Una cálida bienvenida! 

Por favor subir su foto de perfil para agregar un toque personal (regístrate, ve a “settings” en la columna de la derecha y luego “upload photo”).

Te invitamos a compartir tu trabajo, publicar un blog o empieza una discusión sobre género, evaluación o comparte tus documentos, eventos, fotos y videos.

Esperamos que disfrutes la oportunidad de comunicarte con colegas de todas partes del mundo. Al seleccionar la pestaña “Members” puedes encontrar miembros que comparten intereses similares.

Para saber más sobre Evaluación Feminista, por favor visítanos en

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De Nuevo, estamos muy felices de tener tu voz en esta plataforma y esperamos tu participación.

No dejes que el idioma sea una barrera, siéntete libre de publicar en cualquier idioma. Si necesitas apoyo, contáctanos a o visita la página de soporte técnico


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Un cordial saludo,



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