European Planning Studies, July 8, 2024
This paper provides an in-depth analysis of how public spaces in Vienna and Cologne influence the social interactions and integration of Kurdish women in their host communities.
Journal of Advanced Nursing, August 9, 2024
Indian Journal of Public Health, Vol.68, No.2, Apr-Jun, 2024
Case Studies - By - Rajkumar Nagarajah
Dr. Steven Ariss - PODCAST
SCHARR Communicable Research #31- Dr.Steven Ariss - Real World Evaluations - PODCAST
Dear Colleagues,
UN Women Independent Evaluation and Audit Services (IEAS) is planning to publish a Good practices and Lessons-Learned in Gender Responsive Evaluation in the framework of the SDG+5 and Beijing+25. The knowledge product will highlight good practices on how evaluations with gender-lens are impactful in tacking the structural barriers and social norms for gender equality against the twelve critical areas of concern identified in the Beijing Platform for Action (BPfA):
In addition to UN Women evaluations, we would like to feature good practices and innovative initiatives from other UN system entities, national partners and broader evaluation communities. Having a mix of lessons and examples from different partners will give a richer perspective of how gender-responsive evaluation can drive the implementation of the SDGs, and BpfA. We also plan to widely disseminate the good practices through various channels to potentially inform ongoing discussions around the SDGs and Beijing +25 review.
Given this, we would really appreciate if your organization could share with us 2-3 recent evaluation reports preferably completed in 2017 and 2018/2019 with special focus on 1) evaluations with strong gender-responsive methods and approaches; and 2) innovative initiatives to systematically capture gender-results in evaluation practice.
Please share with us your inputs in the following format :
1) evaluations with strong gender-responsive methods and approaches
Org |
Org Type |
Type of Evaluation |
Title of Evaluation |
Region |
Countries |
Year |
Language |
Beijing Critical Area of Concern |
Relevant SDG goals |
Resources (Links to evaluation reports) |
For example ** UN Women |
UN |
Corporate Evaluation |
UN Women’s contribution to women’s political participation and leadership |
Global |
Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Egypt, Malawi, Mexico, Pakistan and Zimbabwe (country visits) plus sample of 24 countries |
2018 |
English |
7) Women in power and decision-making |
SDG 5 |
2) innovative initiatives in evaluation practices to systematically capture gender-results and how they have been used to inform national review processes/normative frameworks (e.g. BpfA, SDG, ICPDs)
Org |
Org Type |
Type of Initiative in evaluation practices (not limited to evaluation report; e.g. tools, use of evaluations, capacity building etc. ) |
Title |
Region |
Countries |
Relevant inter-governmental/normative frameworks (e.g. BPfA, SDGs, national review process) |
Resources (Links to reports/relevant resources available online) |
Once this is received, we may reach out to participating partners for additional information or virtual interviews as part of the desk review scheduled in May and June 2019. Please send your inputs directly to by 15 May 2019.
We hope you find this project mutually beneficial and look forward to hearing from you.
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Thank you for sharing, very informative.
Thanks Soo Yeon Kim for sharing this important information.
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