USE of Evaluations in a Gender and Equity Context

Why is USE important in a Gender and Equity context?
What are the steps for the USE of evaluations?
How does a USE approach align with feminist principles of evaluation?
Watch Dr.  Sonal Zaveri address these questions and explain the importance of USE of evaluations in a Gender and Equity context.

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This video is the third in the series of training videos produced under Institute of Social Studies Trust ( ISST)'s project - Engendering Policy through Evaluation.

For more information on the project and additional resources on feminist evaluation, please visit

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Comment by Paloma Lafuente Gómez on June 10, 2016 at 22:04

Thank you very much for your approach.I absolutely agree with you, foremost to the fact that recommendations and lessons learned sometimes does not use for stakeholders and decision makers.

On the other hand, I consider that attitudes and strong thoughts within institutions and organizations, for instance related to traditional roles between women and men, delaying women´s advancement avoiding to obtain better outcomes; as a result, they are not ready to apply this knowledge and putting in practice, when it comes to the crunch. In sum, evaluation must be a learning process...

And as you mentioned "Use evaluation to create social change".

Warm regards!



Comment by Florence Aliba Ediu on June 8, 2016 at 12:38

Thank you very much Sonal for your guidance. This was very helpful and has incited me to explore and discover more.

Comment by SONAL ZAVERI on June 8, 2016 at 7:20

Hi Florence, 

If you want to learn more about UFE, there is a lot of information at

I echo your frustration about the end-line evaluations. Identifying the key user (s) is key and not to be mistaken with an audience. Users will vary depending on the purpose, intended use and key questions you need answered! So identifying the User is an iterative process - and well worth the time spent doing so. Hope this helps!

Best wishes


Comment by Florence Aliba Ediu on June 7, 2016 at 14:09

Thank you very much for sharing, am so impressed and interested in learning more about UFE.

As a development worker am so challenged about involvement of users in an evaluation especially when most of the evaluations are done as end-line. Who are the users anyway?

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