Marc Tevini
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  • Paris
  • France
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Fabiola Amariles liked Marc Tevini's blog post What matters in our work as evaluators ? Interview of Donna Mertens
Jun 10, 2020
Cristina Santillán Idoate liked Marc Tevini's blog post What matters in our work as evaluators ? Interview of Donna Mertens
May 12, 2020
Catherine Borgman-Arboleda commented on Marc Tevini's blog post What matters in our work as evaluators ? Interview of Donna Mertens
"Great interview!!"
May 1, 2020
Juan Carlos Miguel Camacho liked Marc Tevini's blog post What matters in our work as evaluators ? Interview of Donna Mertens
May 1, 2020
Marc Tevini was featured
Mar 31, 2020
Marc Tevini liked Marc Tevini's blog post What matters in our work as evaluators ? Interview of Donna Mertens
Mar 25, 2020
Rituu B Nanda liked Marc Tevini's blog post What matters in our work as evaluators ? Interview of Donna Mertens
Mar 25, 2020
Marc Tevini posted a blog post

What matters in our work as evaluators ? Interview of Donna Mertens

Last year in Paris, Marc Tevini* and Kenza Bennani** and a chance to interview Donna Mertens about the transformative approach in evaluation, how to face the climate change issue, the dead angles in evaluation and the role of emerging evaluators.▶ The full interview is available here :…See More
Mar 25, 2020
Rituu B Nanda liked Marc Tevini's blog post Are activist organisations the new evaluation agencies?
Dec 13, 2019
Marc Tevini posted a blog post

Are activist organisations the new evaluation agencies?

Dear Gender and Evaluation members,I am glad to share with you the abstract below, to engage the discussion with you about evaluations made by activist organisations, and eventually feminist organisations. The full article is so far only available in French. If you want to have a look, please contact me. Looking forward to read your reactions! --When and to what extent can activist organisation reports be considered as evaluations?Have you ever asked Greenpeace or Amnesty International whether…See More
Dec 12, 2019
Marc Tevini joined LOYE Alexis Salvador's group

Réseau Francophone de l' Évaluation (RFE)

FrançaisLe Réseau Francophone de l'Évaluation (RFE) regroupe une vingtaine d'associations nationales œuvrant dans le domaine de l'évaluation. Toute association francophone dans le domaine de l'évaluation désirant faire partir du RFE est la bienvenueEnglishThe francophone evaluation network (RFE) comprises of twenty Voluntary Organisation of Professional Evaluators (VOPEs). Any francophone association in the field of the evaluation is welcome to join usSee More
Dec 12, 2019
Rituu B Nanda left a comment for Marc Tevini
"Cher Marc ,  Bienvenue au sein de notre communauté! Postez un article ou commencez une discussion à propos du genre ou de l’évaluation ou partagez vos documents, évènements,…"
Dec 12, 2019
Marc Tevini is now a member of Gender and Evaluation
Dec 12, 2019

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Quadrant Conseil
Areas of work like health, education etc
environment, social, culture
Skills like research, monitoring, evaluation
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English - French - Spanish - Italian

Marc Tevini's Blog

What matters in our work as evaluators ? Interview of Donna Mertens

Posted on March 25, 2020 at 22:00 1 Comment

Last year in Paris, Marc Tevini* and Kenza Bennani** and a chance to interview Donna Mertens about the transformative approach in evaluation, how to face the climate change issue, the dead angles in evaluation and the role of emerging evaluators.…


Are activist organisations the new evaluation agencies?

Posted on December 12, 2019 at 22:00 0 Comments

Dear Gender and Evaluation members,

I am glad to share with you the abstract below, to engage the discussion with you about evaluations made by activist organisations, and eventually feminist organisations. The full article is so far only available in French. If you want to have a look, please contact me. Looking forward to read your reactions! 


When and to what extent can activist organisation reports be considered as evaluations?



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At 22:00 on December 12, 2019, Rituu B Nanda said…

Cher Marc ,

 Bienvenue au sein de notre communauté!

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 Vous pouvez nous suivre sur Twitter : @Feministeval et Facebook!/EngenderingPolicyThroughEvaluation?fref=ts

Nous ne voulons pas que les langues soient une barrière donc n’hésitez pas à poster des articles dans la langue de votre choix.  Pour toute assistance, vous pouvez contacter rituubnanda[@] ou visiter la page d’aide

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