Hiwot Tedla - Blog
Suneha Kandpal Publications
Kennedy OULU - Report on "Most Significant Change"
Time: November 18, 2015 from 7:30pm to 10pm
Location: au Centre du Hautmont, 31 rue Mirabeau à Mouvaux
Event Type: meeting
Organized By: Nicholas Cordier
Latest Activity: Nov 7, 2015
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Frédéric Laloux, author of the bestseller "Reinventing Organizations"
and the testimony of Dr. Jean-Louis Lamboray, author of "What makes us human? "(Soup home from 19h) Hautmont at the Centre, 31 rue Mirabeau in Mouvaux Organisational Management seems to have reached its limits, dissatisfaction rumbles, diaries became fools, disengagement progressing at the expense of performance and happiness of employees ... The pyramid model controlling a priori partitioned elements must give way to the real-time coordination of decentralized collaborative networks.
Faced with these profound changes, management of organizations (company, association, university or public service) has to reinvent itself and to better respond to the quest for meaning and the desire to employee engagement.
> What are the innovative and inspiring practices?
> What are the new models of organizations are emerging?
> Non-hierarchical structures they have a more interesting collaborative operation, meaningful, enthusiasm and authenticity?
Frederic Laloux, which limits its interventions in the evening - it could be taken every night! - Will honor us to be present to give us his vision based on numerous concrete examples of a management placed under the sign of humanity and cooperation. His book "Reinventing Organizations" published in English in 2014 was a worldwide success: an unexpected phenomenon more than 50,000 copies. Translated into many languages, the French version was released last week> you can order it directly on the site of the small publishing house Diateino (offered delivery, excellent service!)
Echoing the intervention of Frederick, Jean-Louis Lamboray we share the experience of Constellation global network he created in 2004. It aims to put people at the center of solutions, a vision of the organizations often absent!
This Belgian doctor, founder of UNAIDS in the 1990s, has indeed left the international organizations to develop a pragmatic and effective approach to finding local answers to complex problems. The sharing of good practices that put people at the center and discover the forces of a group release the energy and allow passage to action. His experience described in the book "What makes us human? "Is above all an invitation to change our look to build an approach based on trust in the capabilities, often untapped, people, stopping to think that we have the solution for them all. > See an article on the subject
I invite you to share this invitation widely around you. A participation fee will be required on the spot (allow currency or checkbook!) To facilitate the organization and estimate the number of participants, thank you to pre-register in advance on the link> here
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