Monthly Corner

E consultation on No One Left Behind:Using a gender and equity lens for evaluating SDGs

Dear friends, 

Greetings from Community of Evaluators South Asia (COE SA)!

We have developed a brief e consultation survey on No One Left Behind which looks at issues related to gender and equity in evaluating all 17 SDGs.

I will be representing the COE SA countries  (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka and Afghanistan) on the EvalGender+ Management Group and would like to use this opportunity to bring our voice on equity and gender to the global agenda. Those of you who have attended our Conclaves, the last one in Kathmandu in November, 2015 know that COE SA is passionate about evaluation field building in our region. 

So friends, please spare a few minutes - we want to know your views and opinions. The report will be shared online as well!

Here is the link - Please complete before March 2nd

For queries, suggestions and comments please feel free to contact me at

Thank you! 


Sonal Zaveri, 

Secretary, Community of Evaluators South Asia

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Replies to This Discussion

Thank you so much for sharing this. This is precisely what I was looking at and which I hoped to share in the E-discussion. I will have a look at the survey and give may response.


Dear sonal

Thank you will forward with comments   to  u soon

isha miranda

Independent Consultant 

APEA Secretary 

Thanks Awuor and Isha - hope you have completed the survey and giving me feedback. Truly appreciate it. 



Dear friends, 

Thanks so very much to all who have already done the survey! We have received excellent responses. 

We are extending the last date to March 5th, so those who have not yet done the survey or partly done it - please do complete it! Here is the web link

Thanks everyone! 




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