Discussions provide a space to members for posting their queries and for discussions. On the 'Forum', you will find all discussion postings of individual members.

First you need to sign in to https://gendereval.ning.com/ You can post your query by going to the link https://gendereval.ning.com/forum

- click on '+Add' at right hand corner

- fill in a title, the text.

-       You can paste the text in Plain text to remove formatting

-       You can add a link, image or attach a file

-       Thereafter you can add tags like gender, evaluation, children, SDGs etc related to your query.Tags are important because they allow other users to easily find your posting.

-       Finally, click on preview which will open in a  new window. If you are satisfied click on publish or make edits as required.

-       In privacy and comments, you may choose that everyone can view the post and everyone can post comments.

-       You are welcome to post in your language. 

Whom to contact? In case you have a question, please feel free to contact Rituu B Nanda rituubnanda[at]feministevaluation.org


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